Cuomo introduces Child Victims Act bill; advocates plead for Senate action

Times Union

By Matthew Hamilton on June 15, 2017

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has introduced his own version of the Child Victims Act to the state Legislature, mirroring his proposal on bills that already are being pushed in both the Assembly and the state Senate.

The bill was introduced through the Senate Rules Committee on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, advocates, bill sponsors and Cuomo are continuing to press the Senate to take up the legislation as lawmakers head toward the scheduled end of the legislative session on June 21.

“This is about justice and I urge this measure to be passed before the end of session and allow these victims the ability to hold their abusers accountable — something they’ve wrongly been denied for far too long,” Cuomo said in a statement.

The bill would change when the the five-year statute of limitations clock for felony sexual abuse crimes starts ticking. Under current law it starts when the abuse victim turns 18. Under Child Victims Act, it wouldn’t begin until the victim is 23.

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