Give sex abuse victims their day in court


Ken Tingley

The stories are horrific.

I know, I’ve heard quite a few of them. Each time I write about the sexual abuse of children, I get another email or phone call from someone wanting to tell their story.

The victims are decades removed from the abuse — many at the hands of the clergy — and are still searching for what has so far been elusive: justice.

In New York, victims of child sexual abuse cannot bring charges after the age of 23. Considering what we know today about victims repressing these crimes, blaming themselves and fearing no one will believe them, the law is a travesty.

What is an equal travesty is that the Legislature in Albany has been unable to deliver that justice for more than a decade, and with time running out in the legislative session, the chances don’t look much better.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.