Obituary: Anthony Foster was a tireless fighter for truth and justice

Sydney Morning Herald

Judy Courtin

Never has the fight for justice been so acknowledged and celebrated than at the state funeral on June 7 of Anthony Foster. This remarkable man, who died from a brain haemorrhage on May 28, two days after he collapsed, was only 64. His sudden death is shattering for his beautiful family and it leaves the entire community grieving.

Chrissie and Anthony Foster after a hearing of the parliamentary inquiry. Photo: Justin McManus
For 21 years, Anthony and his beloved wife Chrissie fought for justice, not only for their daughters Emma and Katie but for all victims of institutional child sexual abuse. They could not have predicted in 1996 that they would still be fighting the Catholic Church in 2017.

Throughout those years, Anthony and Chrissie were valiant in their lionhearted fight with what continues to be a legalistic and cold-hearted hierarchy. Denials, obfuscations and the protection of assets and reputations have remained paramount.

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