Retired teacher who used webcams to direct the ‘horrifying and chilling’ rape and sexual abuse of girls as young as four in the Philippines is jailed for life

Daily Mail


A retired maths teacher who used webcams to direct and record the ‘horrifying and chilling’ rape and sexual abuse of girls as young as four in the Philippines has been jailed for life.

Sunday school teacher Paul O’Neill, 57, from Nottinghamshire was told he must serve a minimum of 12 years but may never be released for the unprecedented crimes committed against at least 12 victims over the internet.

The paedophile – who has now quit his post as ‘minister with special responsibilities for children’ with the New Apostolic Church – pleaded guilty to 30 child sex offences in what is believed to be the first prosecution of its kind.

Nottingham Crown Court heard that the father-of-two preyed on poverty-stricken families from his home, becoming a ‘virtual’ child rapist during years of sickening abuse.

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