Now you’re seeing behind the “Pope Francis curtain”


February 19, 2018

By Joelle Casteix

When Pope Francis appoints Cardinal Roger Mahony as a Papal Envoy in a state where almost every diocese is under investigation for the cover up of child sexual abuse, you know the Vatican has gone full tone-deaf on sex abuse.

And now is not the time to go full tone-deaf.

The PR Shine Fades

Since his election as pope, die-hard Pope Francis fans have been singing his praises, calling the South American prelate a “new kind of Pope.” Insiders call it the “Francis effect.”

Victims and advocates know differently. It was good PR, spun by his hired flack.

That glow lasted for years. But in the past few weeks, even Francis couldn’t keep remembering his speaking points. First, he pulled the infamous “I need proof” statement, defending a controversial bishop and saying that victims need to provide him evidence of abuse before he believed that they had been sexually abused.

Little did most of the public know that one of them—Juan Carlos Cruz—already had. And he had the photo to prove it.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.