Bangladeshi priest accused of sexual relations with women and girl

UCA News

June 13, 2018

By Stephan Uttom and Rock Ronald Rozario, Natore

Despite police finding that Father Walter Rozario had sex with women and an underage girl, the church has taken no action Bangladeshi priest accused of sexual relations with women and girl

The mysterious disappearance of a Bangladeshi priest just days before Pope Francis visited the country has taken a sinister new turn.

Police suspected Father Walter William Rozario had been kidnapped by radical Muslims when they found his abandoned motorbike and discovered that his mobile phone was switched off.

But their investigation revealed that the 41-year-old priest had allegedly been involved in a string of relationships with women and at least one girl under 18, the age of consent in Bangladesh.

“From our interrogation and findings, I can confirm that five women and an underage girl had illicit and physical relationships with the priest. One of those who admitted having an illicit affair with the priest was a girl aged 17 who was studying in college,” Inspector Saikat Hasan of Boraigram police told

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