Engler emails on Nassar case spark backlash

The Detroit News

June 13, 2018

By Kim Kozlowski

Michigan State University interim President John Engler faced blowback Wednesday after emails emerged in which he criticized lawyers for Larry Nassar’s assault victims and said the first gymnast to come forward in the scandal was probably getting a “kickback” from her attorney for “manipulating” other victims.

The comments from Engler, reported Wednesday by the Chronicle of Higher Education, generated outrage among Nassar’s victims and their allies, including one MSU trustee who said it was time for Engler to take a long look at what he is doing to MSU as it works to move past the scandal.

“Interim President John Engler’s emails released today are completely unacceptable and tone deaf and he should publicly apologize immediately and denounce these insensitive comments,” MSU Trustee Dianne Byrum said in a statement. “We need to be focused on culture change at MSU and allow the healing process to begin and statements like these from Interim President Engler and his advisors are hurtful, counterproductive and unnecessary.”

Trustee Brian Mosallam added that he was stunned by Engler’s comments.

“I am extremely troubled and disappointed,” Mosallam said. “The interim president’s tone and conduct Is embarrassing. We are a university that should be showing compassion and contrition and he is doing the exact opposite.”

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