Abuse victim takes own life after Pittsburgh Diocese cut off payments for counseling


August 20, 2018

The Pittsburgh Diocese is defending decisions to cut off payments for abuse victims going through counseling.

Frances Samber has spent the last eight years fighting to tell the story her brother never had the chance to share.

“Every victim who has suffered at the hands of the diocese needs their story told in the court of law,” Samber said.

Michael Unglo struggled for years after being sexually assaulted by his priest.

At one point, the diocese agreed to pay for counseling and treatment, but those payments came to an end in spring of 2010.

“We were actually alerted during a therapy session and it kind of sent him into a spiral,” Samber said.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.