All Irish clergy convicted of child sex abuse named on list

Irish Independent

August 20, 2018

By Laura Larkin

Group highlights offenders as it urges Pope to reveal those disciplined by the Church

A list of all Irish clergy convicted of child sexual abuse is to be published for the first time as pressure mounts on the Vatican to release all documents relating to clerical abuse.

International organisation – which has published similar lists of those accused of abuse in the US and South America – will publish the database today.

It includes names of priests and brothers who have been convicted or named in State enquiries and will contain more than 70 names, according to the group.

The organisation is calling on Pope Francis to release the names of all priests – including Irish ones – who have been disciplined by the Church for child sexual abuse.

The Pontiff will visit Ireland this weekend amid a deepening international scandal around its handling of child sexual abuse by clergy members.

The group will ask Ireland’s Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, to endorse this idea to Pope Francis.

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