“Almost relief”: Lawyer describes Harvey Weinstein’s reaction to Asia Argento report

CBS News

August 21, 2018

Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is reacting to a report that Italian actress Asia Argento paid off a young actor who accused her of sexual assault. Argento was one of the first women to accuse Weinstein of sexual misconduct and has since become a prominent figure in the #MeToo movement.

In a New Yorker story last October, Argento accused Harvey Weinstein of rape when she was 21 years old. While none of the charges Weinstein is facing in court, including felony sexual assault, involve Argento, his attorney believes this latest development is a win for him in the court of public opinion

CBS News’ Jericka Duncan asked attorney Brafman how Weinstein reacted when he told him about the report that Argento was accused of sexual harassment.

“I don’t remember the first words. I remember the tenor of the conversation was almost relief,” Brafman said.

He says his client was not surprised by the New York Times article about Arento’s alleged payoff of the actor.

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