Neighbors Want Street Named After Priest Accused of Child Sex Assault Changed


August 16, 2018

By Carolyn Blackburne

People in Hazle Township are dealing with the aftermath of this week’s grand jury report into child sex abuse in the Catholic Church.

A street in the township is named after a priest accused of sexually assaulting a young boy.

The report found Rev. Girard Angelo was accused of sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy at a parish in Williamsport during the 1960s.

Now, people who live on Father Angelo Drive in Hazle Township want the name changed.

“My first thought was, well what are they going to do with the street sign that I look at every day. It was devastating,” Joe Tranguch said.

Fr. Angelo was a priest at Church of the Sacred Heart, just a few blocks away from the street that bears his name.

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