Ways to Protect Your Community from Sexual Predation


October 2, 2018

By Melissa Hill

I certainly have my own tales of #metoo. But I don’t feel the need to share my stories today. My guess is that your Facebook feed has already been filled with people referencing #metoo and the Kavanaugh hearing. The pagan community has had scandals like Kenny Klein and Issac Bonewits. We all know local scandals too. Those are smaller and less publicized, but no less horrible in scope for those involved. I’ve had to help people get away from abusers. I’ve done magic to keep them safe. I’ve confronted people and told them to get out of my community. I’ve accepted that we cannot count on our justice system to help us when it comes to sexual abuse and assault. We need to watch out for our own.

We cannot afford to ignore these issues and we need to take action within our own local communities. My own local pagan community and international community of druids have struggled with these issues in a very real way. Last year much of the ADF leadership and priesthood took the Pagan Consent Course from the Cherry Hill Seminary, and since then I’ve been giving consent workshops and continuing to deepen my own knowledge.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.