Portland Press Herald [Portland ME]
January 15, 2022
Given their failure to protect children, their stance on the Maine ERA bill or any other subject should not have the weight that it does.
Here we go again. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland has come out with their objections to the Equal Rights Amendment (L.D. 344) passing in the Maine Legislature. Many, if not all, of their arguments are absurd.
These objections come from a church that – in 2022! – relegates women to mere lower-level functionaries within its own structure. Are they still living in 1522?
What gives me pause, though, is the power this institution has in our public discourse.
Other than the Boy Scouts of America, I know of no other institution that, under its watch, has failed so completely to protect children from sexual abuse and then denied and covered it up.
Why the Catholic Church carries so much influence in our public discourse is beyond me. Why would anything they say or represent be given such weight when thousands of victims of their abuse still await compensation, monetary or otherwise?
Going forward, I would suggest that any opinion, quote or attribution given by the diocese include this disclaimer: “At the time of this report, the Catholic Church has had x number of charges of child sexual abuse brought against it in a court of law.”Advertisement
I can’t imagine any other entity stained with such outrageous behavior and coverup being given such standing in the court of public opinion.
And now they boldly come forward to crush any meaningful legal protections women seek in our society as equal citizens? God help us – and them.
Harsh? Yes. But so is what so many under this church’s watch have endured.
Pete Gorski
South Portland