Priest shortage brings changes at Warren, Ashtabula Catholic church worship sites

WFMJ-NBC/CW-21 [Youngstown OH]

April 25, 2022

By Mike Gauntner

Only one new priest is being ordained in the Diocese this year and nine priests are retiring effective July 1, 2022.

Members of two Catholic Parishes in the Youngstown Diocese learned this past weekend where they’ll be attending mass starting this June.

Bishop David Bonnar has confirmed that St. James Church will be the worship site for Warren’s St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Church, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Ashtabula will be the worship site for members of Our Lady of Peace Parish.

Parishes throughout the Diocese have been working together to adjust their Mass schedule because there are fewer priests.

Only one new priest is being ordained in the Diocese this year and nine priests are retiring effective July 1, 2022.

According to church law, each priest is not permitted to celebrate more than three Masses on the weekend.

With a shared pastor, Blessed Sacrament Parish will have two weekend Masses at Blessed Sacrament Church; and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish will have one weekend Mass at St. James Church, pending final implementation by June 1, 2022.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, which currently includes the church worship sites of St. James Church and Saints Cyril and Methodius Church, shares a pastor, Rev. Christopher Cicero, with Blessed Sacrament Parish, also in Warren.

Bishop Bonnar wrote to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishioners, thanking them for working in partnership with Blessed Sacrament, especially in responding to the recent fire at that parish.

The worship site selections were recommended by pastors of Our Lady of Peace and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.