Paedophilia in the Catholic Church: Investigation into a €10,000 rape in Congo

The Africa Report [Paris, France]

December 28, 2022

By Mathieu Olivier

Is the Catholic Church about to face a new paedophilia scandal linked to Africa? From Makoua to Namur, we investigated the charges of the alleged rape of a teenager in Congo-Brazzaville by a Belgian priest. 

  • We have investigated the rape of a Congolese teenager in the late 1990s in Makoua, Congo-Brazzaville. 
  • This sexual abuse – similar to the cases we denounced in Gabon – were allegedly committed by a Belgian priest, now working in the diocese of Namur, Belgium, and whose canonical trial could begin soon.  
  • The facts also bring to light the practices of the Belgian Church, which has a very official price list – ranging from €2,500 to €25,000 – for making financial agreements with victims.  

Joseph has trembling hands and tears in his eyes. Two decades after the events, he has not told his story to anyone close to him. His family knows nothing. Nor do his neighbours. His colleagues even less. He doesn’t think they would understand. Joseph is a career soldier in Congo-Brazzaville…