Statement from Bishop Steven Biegler, Diocese of Cheyenne, regarding the death of Bishop Emeritus H. Joseph Hart

Diocese of Cheyenne [Cheyenne WY]

August 24, 2023

The passing of Joseph Hart reflects a time of sorrow. Undoubtedly his death elicits painful memories for
many, especially those who sought accountability and justice.

The Scripture readings and the liturgy itself proclaim the mystery of God’s love and the mystery of Jesus’
victorious death and resurrection – mysteries that apply to the deceased and to our lives. At death, we
remember that final healing, reconciliation, and judgment rests in the hands of God. We entrust the
brokenness of humanity to the Lord, who alone has the power to restore us.

So, during this time of anguish, my message to those survivors remains, I support and believe you and will
continue to work and pray for healing for all involved in this profoundly painful time.

I also want to express my condolences to the family members of Joseph Hart and assure them of my prayers.
The funeral liturgies remind us of the compassionate love of God for every single person.

I invite everyone to join me in prayer for healing and the restoration of the community and for all those
affected by Bishop Hart’s death, especially the survivors. The path toward healing is lifelong, and although
his death will not bring closure for survivors, their family members, and others impacted, we should continue
to work and pray without ceasing for the healing of everyone affected by these distressing matters.

In the Diocese of Cheyenne, we remain steadfast in our commitment to protect the most vulnerable and to
accompany those who have been harmed on a journey of healing.

[See PDF of Bishop Biegler’s statement.]