Archdiocese of Ljubljana [Ljubljana, Slovenia]
December 15, 2023
Yesterday, December 14, 2023, Fr. Amedeo Cencini FCC as papal delegate and his colleague S. Marisa Adami SFF and Fr. Victor Pope OFM. The decree of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life was presented to the Sisters of the Community of Loyola who came to the Archdiocese and to those who were connected online.
Given that the Loyola Community had its general house in Rome, the Dicastery handed the matter over to the Diocese of Rome. A commissioner was appointed who, after several conversations with all the sisters, wrote a final report, which was sent to the dicastery in September 2022 through the Apostolic Nunciature. On October 20, 2023, he issued a decree on the dissolution of the Loyola Community due to serious problems concerning the exercise of authority and the way of living together.
The dicastery determined that the decree must be implemented within one year.
We are invited to pray for the sisters and everyone connected with the community.
Original Text:
Včeraj, 14. decembra 2023, so v Ljubljano prišli p. Amedeo Cencini FCC kot papeški delegat ter njegova sodelavca s. Marisa Adami SFF in p. Viktor Papež OFM. Sestram Skupnosti Loyola, ki so prišle na nadškofijo, in tistim, ki so bile povezane preko spleta, so predstavili odlok Dikasterija za ustanove posvečenega življenja in družbe apostolskega življenja.
Dikasterij je glede na to, da je imela Skupnost Loyola svojo generalno hišo v Rimu, zadevo predal rimski škofiji. Imenovan je bil komisar, ki je po večkratnih pogovorih z vsemi sestrami napisal sklepno poročilo, ki je bilo septembra 2022 preko Apostolske nunciature poslano na dikasterij. Ta je 20. oktobra 2023 zaradi resnih težav, ki zadevajo izvrševanje avtoritete in načina skupnega življenja, izdal odlok o razpustitvi Skupnosti Loyola.
Dikasterij je določil, da se mora odlok izvršiti v enem letu.
Povabljeni smo k molitvi za sestre in vse, ki so povezani s skupnostjo.