Letter: Malone is welcome to perform duties

Buffalo News [Buffalo NY]

May 24, 2024

Here we go again. Oh my gosh! Hysteria. Bishop Malone is performing confirmations. Again – sexual abuse is not excused. Malone should be banned. He resigned as bishop in Buffalo. Catholics. Sit down and decide who makes judgments on clergy. If it’s you, then show me your authority. Malone is still a bishop. You have nothing to say about his authority.

It’s been more than four years since Bishop Richard J. Malone resigned as leader of the Buffalo Diocese amid a firestorm of criticism over his role in covering up molestation claims against clergy. But this past week, he presided over confirmation ceremonies at St. Gregory the Great in Amherst, the largest parish in the Buffalo Diocese.

Pomposity is rampant in Buffalo. A priest is always a priest. While the intermediary between Christ and you, he still performs sacraments. If you can’t cope, leave. The church will survive. Priests are human and subject to sin. The scandal started with the pope. Hierarchy hid the facts. Start from Francis and all his predecessors. Move on. There are not enough priests. If we punish priests, then no priests will be available. Thank you, Bishop Fisher. Thank you, Bishop Malone, for helping the diocese during difficult times. I welcome you.

Ilona Klein

Orchard Park
