Federal judge appoints expert to speed up $40 million Catholic clergy abuse settlement process

WVUE [New Orleans LA]

August 23, 2024

By Rob Masson

Lawyers tied up in the fight to land settlements for hundreds of alleged victims of Catholic clergy sex abuse hope that a move this week by a federal judge will speed things along.

$40 million has already been spent on attorneys’ fees, and a settlement for some 500 alleged victims is nowhere in sight.

Federal judge Meredith Grabill has hired an outside expert to move the process along.

The expert is a man named Mohsin Meghji, who works with a New York restructuring firm named M3, and his payment will be capped at $350,000, money which will further cut into church bankruptcy funds that so far have not found their way to any victims,

“This should’ve been done a long time ago like a lot of situations involved with the bankruptcy,” said claimant John Anderson, who heads up the National Association of Survivors of Childhood Abuse.

Plaintiffs’ attorneys like Frank D’Amico welcome the judge’s decision and a process that could make the proceedings more transparent.

“The judge chose the expert. She said she wanted a disinterested expert who didn’t work for any of the parties, so we know nothing about the expert, and I’m assuming nobody on the other side does either, and we’re looking forward to the expert doing their job and making this report public,” D’Amico said.

The archdiocese gave a statement:

“The cost and time associated with this process are frustrating to all, and of no benefit and unjust to the survivors, today’s church and all interested parties. we pray that with the appointment of Mr. Meghji, we will move beyond the distractions and inflammatory statements that have delayed these proceedings and that all involved will join in productive negotiations to bring closure.”
