1 Accused in This Religious Order
Fr. Timothy E. Svea

U.S. Superior of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. Bishop Burke brought Svea and his group to La Crosse to run a parish. Suspended in 3/2001. Pleaded guilty in 2/2002 to exposing himself to and molesting teenage boys, beginning in 1998. Sentenced to 1.5 years jail and 20 years probation. Last known to be living in Marathon County, WI. On WI Sex Offender Registry 2/5/2012. Included on the La Crosse diocese's list 1/18/20, with multiple substantiated allegations. Included in 11/2022 on the Diocese of Superior's list of credibly accused. Noted to be incarcerated. Criminally charged 12/22/2022 with child pornography possession, found by a computer repair technician. He reportedly had been living in Mosinee under active supervision. Sentenced in 3/2023 to three years in prison.