1 Accused in This Religious Order
Fr. Robert Victor Newman
In 1987 the Archdiocese learned that Newman had admitted to sexually abusing minors in the 1970s-1980s. He told his superiors he had abused at least 12 boys, ages 9-15, over at least 15 years, and that his victims were "neighbors, people he's known for years, never anyone connected with church." Order removed him from his assignment, which he had had since 1982. Police investigated in 1987; no charges filed. The police report shows "only one instance of fondling one boy." Sent to Johns Hopkins and then Hartford CT for treatment. Allowed active ministry as a parish pastor in the Archdiocese of Hartford beginning in 1990. Placed on leave in 2002 after notes regarding his abuse history were found during a review of Baltimore priest files. Included on the Baltimore Archdiocese's list in 9/2002 of accused religious priests and brothers. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.