1 Accused in This Religious Order
Fr. Rene Cavalcanti de Lima

Former member of the Society of Divine Vocations (Vocationists), became diocesan priest in native Brazil. In 8/18 a man told the archdiocese that Lima sexually abused him when he was a 13-year-old altar boy in the late 1980s at Immaculate Conception, and Lima was a fill-in for the pastor. Lima was assigned at the time to St. Michael's. The man said the abuse occurred over a year in the church, Lima's bedroom and and a trip to FL. Lima's accuser said he was informed by Newark archdiocese spokesman, James Goodness, that it was the Vocationists who were responsible to investigate, not the archdiocese. He said Lima left the order 20 years prior and was a priest in the Diocese of Guarulhos, Brazil. Investigate in 2009 for "relationship" with a youth at a Cocaia church. Still in active ministry in Brazil in 5/19.