Clerical abuse victims applaud pope’s decision to excommunicate pedophile Argentine priest

Star Tribune

Article by: ALMUDENA CALATRAVA , Associated Press Updated: November 6, 2014

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Pope Francis has excommunicated a pedophile Argentine priest, a move applauded by advocates for victims of clerical abuse.

Jose Mercau was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2011 after admitting to sexually abusing four teenagers. He spent 15 days in jail and was then held in a monastery in Buenos Aires province until he was released last March.

The pope’s decision was made public Wednesday by the bishopric of San Isidro on the outskirts of the Argentine capital.

Many welcomed the news, but victims and advocates of clergy sex abuse said the Roman Catholic Church still needs to be more determined, effective and severe when it comes to punishing such crimes in Argentina.

“The church still has a long way to go,” said Sebastian Cuattromo, director of an advocacy group called Adultxs for the Rights of Infancy.

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