Federal magistrate won’t release Somerset County priest charged with sexual abuse

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

November 6, 2014

By Torsten Ove / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A Catholic priest in Somerset County under indictment in connection with the sexual abuse of orphans in Honduras will remain jailed pending an appeal of an order to let him out until his trial.

U.S. Magistrate Keith Pesto, presiding in Johnstown, today ruled that the Rev. Joseph Maurizio could be released on home detention as long his bank accounts are frozen and he has no access to substantial church funds that federal prosecutors are worried he may use to flee.

But the magistrate also said the order will be stayed while the U.S. attorney’s office appeals the release to a federal judge in the hopes of keeping him locked up in the Cambria County Jail.

Prosecutors say he’s both a risk to run and a danger to the community.

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