A digest of links to media coverage of clergy abuse. For recent coverage listed in this blog, read the full article in the newspaper or other media source by clicking “Read original article.” For earlier coverage, click the title to read the original article.

September 26, 2013

Bishop Deposed in Church Lawsuits: Gallup Diocese Has Yet to File Bankruptcy Petition

Gallup Independent

By Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola

September 19, 2013

After a last-ditch legal maneuver was denied by an Arizona judge, Bishop James S. Wall of the Diocese of Gallup submitted to a deposition Wednesday by two attorneys who have filed 13 clergy abuse lawsuits against the diocese.

Wall’s deposition was held in Albuquerque and was accompanied by the deposition of the Rev. Alfred Tachias, a longtime Gallup priest. The depositions took place as scheduled because the diocese has yet to file its Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition, a move that will halt the proceedings in the civil lawsuits.

However, at least for the time being, the contents of Wednesday’s depositions are confidential, over the objection of the plaintiffs’ attorneys, Robert E. Pastor of Phoenix and John C. Manly of Irvine, Calif.

“Bishop Wall and Father Tachias gave statements under oath today,” Pastor said in an email Wednesday evening. “We are not permitted to discuss the content of their testimony because at the outset of the deposition the Diocese of Gallup designated the testimony confidential. We noted our objection and found it odd that the Diocese would make the testimony confidential before the witnesses even testified. We hope that one day all of the facts surrounding clergy sexual abuse of children in the Diocese of Gallup will be shared with the faithful Catholics of the diocese.”

The depositions were scheduled as part of Pastor and Manly’s first clergy sex abuse case against the Gallup Diocese, which is scheduled to go to trial in February in Coconino County Superior Court in Flagstaff, Ariz. The case involves abuse allegations against the Rev. Clement Hageman, who is deceased. Tachias formerly worked as an assistant pastor under Hageman.

Last-minute motion

In Masses held over the Labor Day Weekend, priests in the Gallup Diocese read a letter from the bishop, announcing plans to seek Chapter 11 reorganization because of increasing numbers of clergy sex abuse lawsuits and claims. [For texts of the letter and related civil complaints, see Diocese of Gallup to File Bankruptcy, by Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola, Gallup Independent, September 3, 2013.]

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Yeshiva University past president may be excused from testifying in $380 million sex abuse lawsuit

New York Daily News



The former president of Yeshiva University has a doctor’s note that could excuse him from testifying in the shocking $380 million sex abuse lawsuit against the Washington Heights institution.

Norman Lamm, a longtime Yeshiva administrator named as a defendant in the federal case, has a “cognitive impairment” that makes him an unreliable witness, a brain expert determined earlier this month, Lamm’s lawyer said.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Ex-Yeshiva U. head could get a pass in sex suit

New York Post

By Rich Calder
September 25, 2013

One of the defendants in a scathing $380 million lawsuit accusing Yeshiva University of covering up decades of sexual and physical abuse against students now has a doctor’s note that could get him out of testifying in the case.

Former Yeshiva University Chancellor Norman Lamm, 85, was examined on Sept. 16 by neuropsychologist Elise Caccappolo of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, who found that he can’t provide reliable testimony, Lamm’s lawyer wrote this week.

“Dr. Caccappolo found that a deposition was unlikely to pose a risk or threat to Dr. Lamm’s health,” lawyer Joel Cohen wrote Judge John Koetl on Tuesday.

“However, after administering a battery of tests conducted over a period of nearly five hours, Dr. Caccopolo determined [in her written report] that ‘the pattern of Dr. Lamm’s cognitive impairment impedes his ability to independently comprehend and adequately respond to questions posed to him, as well to reliably retrieve and report past information.”

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Paus excommuniceert priester…


Paus excommuniceert priester die pleit voor homo’s en vrouwen

Een Australische priester die campagne voerde voor de priesterwijding van vrouwen en het homohuwelijk moet de rooms-katholieke kerk verlaten. Het Vaticaan heeft hem geëxcommuniceerd.

Dat melden de Australische krant The Age en het katholieke tijdschrift National Catholic Reporter (NCR). Volgens de brief die de priester uit Rome ontving, is de beslissing genomen door of namens paus Franciscus.

Greg Reynolds uit Melbourne kreeg naar eigen zeggen niet te horen wat de reden is van zijn excommunicatie, de meest drastische maatregel die het Vaticaan kan nemen. De aartsbisschop van Melbourne legt de schuld in een brief aan zijn priesters bij Reynolds’ pleidooien voor vrouwelijke priesterwijding en het feit dat hij onbevoegd de eucharistie (het ritueel van brood en wijn) viert. Daarmee gaat hij, ondanks enkele waarschuweingen, in tegen de kerkleer.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Franciscus’ uitspraken zijn niet revolutionair


UPDATE In een donderdag gepubliceerd interview neemt paus Franciscus het op voor homo’s en geeft hij scherpe kritiek op de kerk. Toch is hij volgens Vaticaankenners niet radicaal.

Heeft u het 27 pagina’s tellende interview nog niet gelezen? Geen nood. De opmerkelijke uitspraken vindt u hier.

Vaticaankenner John Allen: Franciscus wijkt niet af van de kerkleer
‘Franciscus geeft naar eigen zeggen slechts een samenvatting van de rooms-katholieke catechismus (de kerkelijke leer, red.) Daarin staat dat de kerk homoseksuele handelingen afkeurt, maar dat homoseksuelen behandeld moeten worden met ‘respect, compassie en gevoeligheid’.’

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

La Iglesia peruana guarda silencio sobre la expulsión de un obispo pederasta

El Pais (Espana)

[Summary: Last Thursday, Diego Garcia Sayan, president of the inter-American human rights court, said that a bishop in an Andean jurisdiction was removed from office because of pedophilia. Hours later, Luis Bambaren, bishop emeritus, confirmed that it was Gabino Miranda, former auxiliary bishop of Ayacucho. However, the Peruvian Episcopal Conference is still silent on the case although Miranda was dismissed in May. This is the first expulsion in Peru under the new papal regulations which are more drastic when sexual abuse of minors is alleged. Juan Luis Cipriani, archbishop of Lima, said Saturday he was unaware of the case and asked that people “do not beat a dead horse.” Garcia Syan also said that MIranda and Cipriani were members of the Opus Dei prelature.]

El jueves pasado, Diego García Sayán, presidente de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, comentó en su columna quincena que un obispo de una jurisdicción andina fue destituido de su cargo por pedofilia. Horas después, el obispo emérito de Chimbote, Luis Bambarén, confirmó que se trataba de Gabino Miranda, antiguo obispo auxiliar de Ayacucho. Ambos pidieron que el Ministerio Público investigara de oficio, lo cual se concretó. Sin embargo, la Conferencia Episcopal Peruana aún guarda silencio sobre el caso a pesar de que Miranda fue cesado en mayo. Se trata de la primera expulsión por este motivo en Perú, y bajo el nuevo reglamento papal, más drástico sobre actos sexuales contra menores.

El arzobispo de Lima, Juan Luis Cipriani, dijo el sábado pasado que no estaba enterado del caso y pidió “no hacer leña del árbol caído”. “Estando en Roma, no me resulta fácil interpretar los datos tan delicados que me están anunciando”, dijo a una radio peruana. García Sayán también comentó que el sacerdote cesado pertenecía al Opus Dei, prelatura de la que Cipriani es miembro, pero el jerarca lo negó. “Conozco bastante bien la situación de este sacerdote y obispo, que tiene una dirección espiritual y una cercanía en la espiritualidad libremente escogida con gente el Opus Dei, pero no es un sacerdote incardinado en el Opus Dei”, refirió. Hoy, el periodista Andrés Beltramo confirma en Vatican Insider que el obispo Miranda perteneció a la Sociedad Sacerdotal de la Santa Cruz, “una fraternidad que es parte de la prelatura”.

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Crónica de la apatía de Juan Luis Cipriani


[con video]

A raíz de lo acontecido por la denuncia contra exobispo auxiliar de Ayacucho, Gabino Miranda, por pedofilia, el Arzobispo de Lima, Juan Luis Cipriani, más allá de mostrar su preocupación por las presuntas víctimas, se solidarizó con el religioso.

Tal como señala el informe del programa “Al Día”, Cipriani dejó dudas si tenía conocimiento o no de este hecho, sobre todo porque el desaforado obispo es un miembro cercano al Opus Dei.

Por su parte, José Godoy, periodista especializado en temas religioso, manifiesta que la máxima autoridad del catolicismo en el Perú con el tema de derechos humanos ha sido “accidentado” y “conflictivo”.

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Homosexuales argentinos acusan complicidad vaticana con los curas pedófilos


BUENOS AIRES, sep. 25 (UPI) — César Cigliutti Presidente de la CHA dijo que “La detención del sacerdote Julio César Grassi nos permite confiar un poco más en la justicia ya que termina con la impunidad de los delitos de abuso de menores.

En la Comunidad Homosexual Argentina como organización de Derechos Humanos trabajamos para proteger, en este caso, a los niños abusados. Las actuales “dudas” planteadas públicamente hoy por el obispado de Morón ratifican la denuncia de la CHA sobre la complicidad que tuvieron sistemáticamente los obispos frente a las denuncias de abusos a menores.

Lo menos que pueden hacer es guardar un respetable silencio y lo que se espera (que hagan en algún momento) es que condenen y repudien estos actos y que protejan a las víctimas, respetando lo resuelto por la justicia argentina. Los testimonios, las pruebas presentadas durante el proceso, más la actitud del propio acusado hacen que el juico tenga sobrados elementos (más que suficientes) para haber determinado la culpabilidad de Grassi. Lo que agrava la persistencia de los obispos por seguir encubriéndolo.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Iglesia Católica de Argentina …


[Summary: Three convictions of sexual abuse were not enough to convince the church that priest Julio Cesar Grassi was guilty, according to newspaper Clarin. The Moron bishopric expressed doubts about his guilt and even questioned the flight risk that Grassi posed which was an argument the prosecutor made to the judges. Last Thursday, a few hours after the Supreme Court upheld Grassi’s conviction, Bishop Marcelo Cuenca became the first senior member of the church to defend him and say he was totally innocent. He later confirmed his statements. The bishop said although pedophilia exists in the church, it does not so in this situation.]

Publicado: sep. 26, 2013

BUENOS AIRES, sep. 25 (UPI) — Tres fallos condenatorios por abuso sexual no alcanzaron a convencer a la Iglesia de la culpabilidad del acusado, el antes mediático cura Julio César Grassi, consignó el diario Clarín.

El obispado de Morón –al que pertenece Grassi– expresó sus “dudas” acerca de la culpabilidad del sacerdote. Fue a través de un comunicado difundido al día siguiente de que un tribunal dispusiera, finalmente, su encarcelamiento. E incluso también se puso en duda el “peligro de fuga” de Grassi, un concepto que formó parte de los argumentos de los jueces que lo enviaron a la cárcel.

El jueves pasado, a escasas horas de que la Suprema Corte de Justicia confirmara la condena a Julio César Grassi, el obispo de la diócesis del Alto Valle de Río Negro, Marcelo Cuenca, se convirtió en el primer integrante de alto rango de la Iglesia en defender a Grassi. “Es totalmente inocente”, afirmó en declaraciones periodísticas. Más tarde, Cuenca le confirmó sus dichos al tabloide. “La pedofilia existe dentro de la Iglesia, pero en este caso concreto es una situación armada. Nos han enviado resúmenes gruesos, tres volúmenes, con argumentos legales. Ahí se nos muestra que hay algunas de las acusaciones en contra del padre Grassi que están armadas”, señaló al diario.

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Anglican Church-run orphanage to be examined by Royal Commission


MARK COLVIN: The Royal Commission into child sexual abuse is preparing to turn its attention to the North Coast Children’s Home in Lismore. Public hearings set down for November will examine how the Anglican diocese of Grafton, which ran the home, handled complaints of abuse. It will also revisit the civil legal action of 2006 and 2007.

Leading the charge against the church is one survivor, Richard “Tommy” Campion, who was in the Lismore home between the 1940s and ’60s. He launched the campaign to have the Anglican Church admit that it had a legal duty of care for the orphans who were sexually and physically abused in the home. He’s now hoping the Royal Commission will lead to public apologies to individual victims and compensation.

Emily Bourke reports.

EMILY BOURKE: Richard “Tommy” Campion lived in the North Coast Children’s Home from the late 1940s to 1963.

RICHARD “TOMMY” CAMPION: I can say it was a hellhole. Brutal bashings. Children were flogged with broomsticks, canes, pony whips, belts. Children were locked in cupboards. Children were made to stand on one leg and if they did fall over they’d be belted and flogged.

If the child wee’d the bed, they were paraded in the dormitory with the sheets over their head, telling this would be a lesson to you guys if you do this. And then they had to go out to the back into the laundry and wash them, and some of the children couldn’t reach the tubs. It was pretty sad.

EMILY BOURKE: When the trauma of the abuse surfaced decades later, he approached the Anglican Church which ran the Lismore orphanage.

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Benedict breaks silence, but does that help?

All Voices

BY Mike Sarzo

Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI broke a months-long silence Tuesday kept since he left the papacy back in February in order to defend the Catholic Church’s response to child sexual abuse scandals that has roiled the world community for years.

In a letter he wrote to well-known Italian atheist and author Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Benedict denied personal responsibility for the scandal surrounding a potential cover up of wrongdoing by priests.
“I never tried to cover these things up,” Benedict wrote. Regarding the scandal and the negative press the church faced as a result, the former pontiff said the church had to bear responsibility.

“That the power of evil penetrated so far into the interior world of the faith is a suffering that we must bear, but at the same time, we must do everything to prevent it from repeating,” he wrote.

However, instead of citing new ways in which the church could own up to and combat the abuses and strive to prevent such abuses in the future, Benedict copped out.

“The percentage of priests who commit these crimes isn’t any higher than the percentage of other similar professions,” Benedict wrote. “One shouldn’t present this deviation as if it were something specific to Catholicism.”

That misses the point, which is the church has rightly received intense scrutiny for abdicating its responsibility in rooting out and stopping the abuse.

Before he was pope, the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger led the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and was responsible for handling abuse cases. In that role during 2001, he instructed bishops to send cases to his office rather than allow them to reshuffle priests accused of sexual abuse to avoid church trials. In 1988, he asked the Vatican’s legal team for faster ways to remove priests accused of abuse but was denied because it didn’t allow the priests to defend themselves.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Church just as repulsed as others

Maitland Mercury

Difficulty coming to terms with allegations of child sex abuse prevented Catholic Church officials reporting pedophile priests, a NSW inquiry has heard.

Barrister Lachlan Gyles says it was not the culture of the Church that held senior figures back, but their problems in grasping the nature of what was alleged.

“It was not a cultural disinclination to report,” Mr Gyles told the last day of the special commission of inquiry’s public hearings in the Newcastle Supreme Court.

“It was coming to terms (with the fact) that people were capable of doing the things that they were alleged to have done.”

Mr Gyles said church leaders were just as repulsed by child sexual abuse as other people in the community and were now doing all they could to ensure that the offences of the past were not repeated.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

September 25, 2013

Priest Accused Of Sexual Harassment


[with video]

ABERDEEN, SD – A priest working as a chaplain in Aberdeen has lost his job after allegations of sexual harassment.

Charles Emezie was a chaplain at an Avera hospital and nursing home. Emezie no longer works for Avera and can’t practice ministry in the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls either.

Emezie worked more than 18 years as a chaplain for Avera in Aberdeen. When word spread that he’d lost his job after sexual harassment allegations, Nicholas Berens was surprised.

“I think everybody is equal and the same measures should be taken no matter what, but I would expect more out of a clergyman,” Berens said.

Because it’s a personnel matter, administrators with Avera say they can’t comment beyond saying Emezie doesn’t work for Avera any longer and he didn’t hurt any patients in the hospital or residents in the nursing home.

According to a statement released by the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, an investigation found that reports that Emezie sexually harassed adult female staff members have been found credible. The Diocese also says Emezie’s conduct violated its sexual misconduct policy.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Former Pembroke priest found guilty on child sex charges

Coastal Courier

A Catholic priest, who once worked in Pembroke, was found guilty last week of criminal child sex abuse in U.S. Federal Court in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Father Robert “Bob” Poandl was found guilty of federal child sex charges that he transported a 10-year-old boy from Cincinnati to Spencer, W.Va., in August 1991 where he sexually assaulted the child.
He is expected to be sentenced by the end of the year.

In addition to Pembroke, Poandl also worked six other Georgia towns: Blairsville, Dahlonga, Cleveland, Glenville, Claxton and Sand Hill.

Poandl belongs to a Fairfield, Ohio-based Catholic religious order called the Glenmary Missioners. Besides Georgia, he worked at churches and church assignments in Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi.

“We believe there are more victims of Poandl, and it’s never too late to share what you know or suspect with law enforcement officials,” Judy Jones of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Diocese reminds parishioners of sex abuse hotline

Statesboro Herald

BY Jason Wermers
jwermers@statesboroherald.com 912-489-9431

In the wake of a former Catholic priest who used to work in southeast Georgia being found guilty on a child sex abuse charge, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah is reminding parishioners of its sexual abuse hotline.

Robert Poandl, 72, was found guilty Friday by an Ohio jury of transporting a minor across state lines with intent to engage in sexual activity.

Poandl, also known as “Father Bob,” took a 10-year-old Cincinnati boy to West Virginia on an overnight trip in 1991. The victim reported the incident in 2009, saying that during the trip to a rectory, Poandl awakened him to have sex, then said they had just sinned and needed to pray for forgiveness, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Poandl will be sentenced at a later date.

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Pa. lawmakers push for extending statute of limitations for child sex abuse victims

The Patriot-News

By Jan Murphy | jmurphy@pennlive.com
on September 25, 2013

Rep. Mark Rozzi came to the state Capitol on Wednesday to talk about justice for child abuse victims after a restless night of repeatedly re-living the nightmare of sexual abuse he suffered as a boy at the hands of a Catholic priest.

The 42-year-old Berks County Democrat said he would like to close that chapter of his life that he was unable to talk publicly about until four years ago but until he feels justice is served, he can’t.

Pennsylvania allows child sex abuse victims until age 30 to bring civil claims against their abusers.

Unfortunately, he said victims operate on their own time schedule as to when they are ready to open up about the abuse they experienced. Oftentimes, he said it is not until they aged out of the opportunity to seek justice through civil litigation.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Govt receives 540 applications for Magdalene Laundries payments

RTE News

The first lump sum payments to survivors of the Magdalene Laundries are expected to be issued within four to six weeks of forthcoming Cabinet consideration of the matter.

Minister for Justice Alan Shatter made the announcement in the Dáil this afternoon.

The Government approved the immediate implementation of cash lump sum payment scheme based on duration of stay in laundries, as recommended by Mr Justice John Quirke, on 25 June.

It also tasked an inter-departmental group with giving further detailed consideration to the steps necessary to implement the recommendations made by Judge Quirke.

Minister Shatter said he has already established a special unit to process applications and to determine whether an applicant resided and worked in an institution covered by the scheme and the duration of their stay, as well as the calculation of the capital sum due to be paid to them.

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Monseñor Quispe: “En Ayacucho no se sabe de qué acusan a Gabino Miranda”

Peru 21

[Summary: Monsignor Percy Quispe, chancellor of the Archdiocese of Ayacucho, said they do not know the details about the accusations made against former Bishop Gabino Miranda who was removed by the Vatican after being accused of pedophilia. He believes the complaint might have gone directly to the Vatican.]

El monseñor Percy Quispe, canciller de la Arquidiócesis de Ayacucho, manifestó que en dicha ciudad no saben de qué se le acusa al exobispo auxiliar Gabino Miranda, quien fue destituido de su cargo por el Vaticano, tras ser acusado por pedofilia.

“Me da mucha pena el caso de (Gabino) Miranda; sin embargo, aquí en Ayacucho no hubo ningún tipo de denuncia en las instancias judiciales por pedofilia”, indicó el religioso, quien dijo que Miranda Melgarejo no se comunica con ellos para explicar sus razones por temor a que sea víctima de interceptaciones telefónicas.

En una carta, con fecha del 1 de julio de 2013, el exsacerdote reconoce que “en algunas circunstancias he sido imprudente”, pero asegura que esas “supuestas faltas no pueden ser tipificadas de delito contra sextum (sexto mandamiento)”.

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El Vaticano podría echar al Padre Grassi del clérigo de la iglesia

Nuevo Diario

BUENOS AIRES.- El Padre Grassi, condenado a 15 años de prisión efectiva por el delito de abuso sexual y corrupción de menores, se encuentra en una situación difícil con la iglesia. Se encuentra suspendido como sacerdote y no puede ejercer misa en público. El mismo s e enfrentará a un juicio canónico, que consiste en que su congregación lo juzgue. En caso de que se lo encuentre culpable, pierde su condición de clérigo.

El rector de la Catedral Metropolitana, Alejandro Russo, sostuvo que el padre Julio César Grassi podría ser exonerado luego de ser condenado por abuso sexual.

“El Vaticano puede echarlo como clérigo de la Iglesia pero tiene que haber un juicio canónico previo”, explicó en declaraciones a “Hola Chiche” por Radio 10. Russo aclaró que “sacerdote no deja de ser nunca, quien se ordena sacerdote muere sacerdote”.

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Defending Papa Benedict

Standing on My Head

September 24, 2013 By Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Pope Benedict has broken his self imposed silence to defend his record against attacks that he did not do enough to expose child molesting priests. London’s Daily Telegraph reports on the Pope Emeritus’ dialogue with a leading atheist about this issue here.

The critics have jumped in with unfounded accusations that he never exposed a pedophile priest. They don’t know how the Church works. It was never his job to be a one man pedophile police force. Within his area of authority Benedict did everything he could to root out the evil, but too often the diocesan authorities themselves obstructed and hid what was going on.

Nevertheless, the rot still goes on. This week a priest in Pennsylvania was charged with molesting a teenaged boy he met through Craigslist and the news reports about Fr. Curtis Wehmeyer in Minnesota make for depressing reading. The Vicar General in particular seems to be a classic case of an ignorant, arrogant, incompetent churchman of the highest order.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

New archdiocese co-leader Bernard Hebda makes Hoboken his first visit

The Jersey Journal

By Charles Hack/The Jersey Journal
on September 25, 2013

Just after it was announced that he appointed as coadjutor the New Jersey’s largest diocese yesterday morning, Archbishop Bernard Hebda headed to a Hoboken church with Archbishop John J. Myers in the afternoon to make his first parish visit.

There the two archbishops met with Hebda’s old friend and fellow alumni of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Italy, The Rev. Robert S. Meyer, pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church at Hudson and Fourth streets.

Yesterday morning it was announced that Hebda would Myers in running the state’s largest diocese and eventually take over.

“I’m honored that he came here as his first parish visit,” Meyer said yesterday after the visit, adding that Hebda promised to return in November. “I believe that Archbishop Myers suggested that Hoboken is a great, vibrant and active community of faith.”

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Update: Fired chaplain worked only at Avera St. Luke’s, Mother Joseph Manor

Aberdeen News

By Jeff Bahr, jbahr@aberdeennews.com
12:56 p.m. CDT, September 25, 2013

The Rev. Charles Emezie, who has been terminated from his work at two Aberdeen institutions, did not work for any parishes in the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, says diocese director of communications Jerry Klein.

Emezie, 59, was employed as chaplain at Avera St. Luke’s Hospital and Avera Mother Joseph Manor in Aberdeen for more than 18 years. Emezie is a priest of the Diocese of Orlu in Nigeria.

The Diocese of Sioux Falls announced Tuesday that Emezie has been terminated from his chaplaincy employment by the Avera administration. According to the press release, “Recent allegations of sexual harassment of adult female staff members have been found credible.”

Klein said Wednesday that he believes Emezie’s only employment within the diocese was at Avera St. Luke’s and Mother Joseph Manor.

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Persiste el hermetismo en la Conferencia Episcopal por caso del ex obispo Gabino

La Republica

[Summary: The Peruvian Episcopal Conference is still maintaining some secrecy about the case of former bishop Gabino Miranda of Ayacucho who was expelled from the church by Pope Francis for engaging in pedophilia. Church sources explained only Archbishop Salvador Pineiro, also titutal Bishop of Ayacucho, should answer inquiries he he is abroad and not expected back until Saturday.]

A pesar de los días transcurridos, la Conferencia Episcopal Peruana (CEP) mantiene cierto hermetismo sobre el caso del ex obispo de Ayacucho Gabino Miranda, quien fue expulsado de la Iglesia Católica por el papa Francisco por haber incurrido en pedofilia.

Fuentes de la Iglesia Católica explicaron que solo el presidente de la CEP, monseñor Salvador Piñeiro, por ser también obispo titular de Ayacucho, es quien debe absolver las consultas de este caso pero se encuentra en el extranjero y su retorno está programado recién para este sábado.

Benedicto aclara

De otro lado, el papa emérito Benedicto XVI, a través de una carta al escritor Piergiorgio Odifreddi, señaló que nunca trató de encubrir el abuso de niños cometidos por miembros de la Iglesia Católica.

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Ayacucho: Convocan a marcha a favor de exobispo acusado de pedofilia


[Summary: Parishioners of San Francisco de Paula in Ayachurcho have called for a march on Thursday for former Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Miranda, who is accused of pedophilia. For a fifth consecutive day, a Mass and vigil has been held for the bishop. Javier Gonzales, who heads the senior prosecutors board for the judicial district, said so far no complaints have been lodged against the bishop with police stations in the region.]

Feligreses de la parroquia San Francisco de Paula en Ayacucho han convocado para este jueves a una marcha en favor al exobispo auxiliar Gabino Miranda, acusado por pedofilia.

Del mismo modo y por quinto día consecutivo, hoy miércoles por la noche realizarán una misa y vigilia en apoyo al exparroco destituido.

Por lo pronto, según el presidente de la Junta de Fiscales Superiores del distrito judicial de Ayacucho, Sosino Javier Gonzáles Torres, no existe hasta el momento denuncias de los supuestos agraviados en las comisarías de la región y tampoco se tiene mayor información del tema que la proporcionada por la prensa.

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Hopes for church reform rest on Pope Francis’ gang of eight

National Catholic Reporter

Thomas Reese | Sep. 25, 2013

Great hopes have been placed in the eight cardinals who will arrive in Rome next week to advise the pope. Pope Francis appointed these cardinals, all but one from outside of Rome, to help him come up with a plan to reform the Vatican. Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston is the only American on the committee.

What can we expect from these cardinals, who will meet Oct. 1-3? Will it be just another Vatican meeting that accomplishes little, or will it move the church toward real reform? How can we judge whether the meeting is a success?

The typical meeting in Rome occurs behind closed doors and consists of long speeches by curial officials or their favorite “experts” with little time for discussion or questions. At the end of the meeting, a press release is issued full of quotes from church documents, pious generalizations, and assertions about how fruitful the meeting was.

I doubt Francis will put up with that standard practice. He has the typical Jesuit impatience with long, meaningless meetings. Nor does he consider meetings helpful if all they do is produce documents.

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“Bergoglio’s List”:How Francis saved dissidents from Argentina’s military dictatorship

Vatican Insider

“La lista di Bergoglio” written by journalist Nello Scavo and currently only out in Italian, tells the never-told-before stories of men and women who were secretly helped by the Pope during Argentina’s dictatorship years


Many of Bergoglio’s friends couldn’t make any sense out of it: “Why doesn’t he respond? Why doesn’t he tell everyone the truth so all these lies can stop?” Fr. José Maria “Pepe” di Paola kept on asking. Fr. Pepe coordinates priests in the villas miserias, Buenos Aires’ slums. The priest was referring to the slanderous comments a left-wing journalist had been making against Bergoglio for years, to the immense joy of ultra-right wing movements. The journalist accused him of collaborating with the military dictatorship and facilitating the arrest of two fellow Jesuits Francisco Jalics and Orlando Yorio, who were in turn accused of being subversive “communists”.

No sooner had Bergoglio been elected Pope on 13 March than blogs and newspapers started firing accusations at him, in a hungry attempt to find embarrassing material on Peter’s successor. On the very evening of Francis’ election, Nello Scavo, a journalist for Italian Catholic daily Avvenire started looking into the stories circulating on the web about the Pope having allegedly complicit with the Argentinian dictatorship. Scavo had no premeditated theories to prove and no hagiographical intentions. As a journalist whop focused on legal and judicial issues, he knew that if he could prove the accusations against the newly elected Pope were true, he would be in for a huge scoop. He also knew that an honest reconstruction of the facts leaves no room for censorship and prejudices.

It was on that special evening that Scavo began the long investigation described in his book “La Lista di Bergoglio salvati da Francesco durante la dittatura”(“Bergoglio’s List: Those Saved by Pope Francis; Stories Never Told”), published in Italian only by missionary publishing house Emi. The book which has been written in the style of an interview is out in bookstores tomorrow. The fast-paced text includes an appendix with a transcript of the 2010 testimony Bergoglio gave during a nearly four-hour court interrogation on the crimes committed in the Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada (ESMA) the Navy School of Mechanics that operated during Argentina’s military dictatorship.

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Church slow to understand: lawyer

Newcastle Herald

By MICHELLE HARRIS Sept. 25, 201

THE Maitland-Newcastle diocese of the Catholic Church did not have a culture against reporting allegations of child sex abuse to police, a barrister told the last public hearing of the Special Commission of Inquiry in Newcastle yesterday.

Rather, the diocese was ‘‘coming to terms [with the fact] that people were capable of doing the things that they were alleged to have done’’.

That had been the challenge for Church officials over recent decades, the diocese’s barrister, Lachlan Gyles SC, told the hearing.

The inquiry has heard evidence – both public and private – over several months relating to the Church’s handling of allegations involving paedophile priests Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher.

The inquiry was established after Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox alleged a Church cover-up of abuse and criticised police handling of investigations.

The public part of the inquiry concluded yesterday, with Mr Gyles urging Commissioner Margaret Cunneen SC not to make adverse findings against the diocese because officials had acted in line with the wishes of victims, who did not want to report priests to the police. He said it would be ‘‘unfair’’ to construe the diocese was ‘‘hiding behind’’ victims, and the commission should be wary of finding ‘‘scapegoats’’ for terrible events.

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Polonia pide detalles de indagatoria a religiosos


VARSOVIA, Polonia (AP) — Las autoridades polacas solicitaron a la República Dominicana detalles de la investigación por abuso sexual a menores por parte de dos sacerdotes polacos, uno de los cuales era el enviado del Vaticano a esa nación, se informó el miércoles.

El caso del enviado probablemente pondrá a prueba la disposición de la Santa Sede a asumir sus responsabilidades legales en vista de las acusaciones dirigidas contra uno de sus propias filas. El Vaticano ha llamado de regreso al enviado, arzobispo Jozef Wesolowski, y lo ha relevado de su cargo como nuncio apostólico. Agregó que cooperaba con la investigación dominicana pero no reveló el paradero del acusado.

El procurador general polaco escribió a las autoridades dominicanas solicitando detalles de su investigación y preguntando si había evidencias de mal comportamiento en Polonia, afirmó un vocero de la fiscalía, Mateusz Martyniuk. Explicó que sin esa información su país no puede efectuar una investigación propia.

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W „Newsweeku”: Pedofil ważniejszy niż Bóg. Reportaż z Dominikany


Wśród biedy, z dala od ludzi, w piekielnym tropiku łatwo uwierzyć, że jest się poza dobrem i złem. Jako wysłannik Kościoła i postępu możesz być jak bóg.

Nasz dziennikarz Wojciech Cieśla pojechał do Dominikany, żeby się dowiedzieć, o co chodzi w historii oskarżonych o pedofilię księży – abp Józefa Wesołowskiego, byłego nuncjusza papieskiego oraz ojca Wojciecha Gila z zakonu michalitów. Relacja z jego wyprawy ukaże się w najnowszym „Newsweeku”. Poniżej publikujemy jej fragment.

Bolîvar R. Sánchez Veloz z prokuratury generalnej poprawia szarą marynarkę: – No więc najpierw chodzili za nimi dziennikarze. Nie wiem jak, ale informacje o tym, że telewizja kręci się wokół nuncjusza, trafiły do kardynała Lópeza Rodrigueza, arcybiskupa Santo Domingo. Latem ktoś od kardynała sprawdzał, czy mieliśmy jakieś postępowanie w sprawie nuncjusza. Dziś rozumiem, że Kościół robił własne śledztwo

– Nie prowadzę śledztw zza biurka – mówi Bolîar R. Sánchez Veloz. Po programie Nurii [dziennikarki, która jako pierwsza opisała sprawę nuncjusza Wesołowskiego – red.] pojechałem pod pomnik księdza Antonia Montesinosa. Szybko znalazłem tych chłopaków. O nuncjuszu już wiedzieli wszyscy. Opowiedzieli o jego jeepie. I o tym, że przychodził codziennie. Pytam kwiaciarza – też z nim byłeś? – Nie, nie. Ale kiedy koło nas przeszedł chłopak, sprzedawca kwiatów krzyknął: – To on, La Biblia, on był z tym księdzem!

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Polski ksiądz kolekcjonował zdjęcia i filmy pornograficzne


Skandal pedofilski wśród księży na Dominikanie zatacza coraz szersze kręgi. Dominikańskie władze kościelne twierdzą, że to największy skandal w Kościele Katolickim w tym kraju. W komputerze ks. Wojciecha Gila znaleziono treści pornograficzne, prawdopodobnie z udziałem chłopców – podaje TVN24. O pedofilię podejrzany jest też abp Józef Wesołowski. Jak podają lokalne media, miał być w związku z księdzem Javierem Reyesem.

Jak nieoficjalnie podaje TVN24, powołując się na lokalne media, w kościelnym komputerze ks. Gila znaleziono 87 tys. zdjęć i filmów pornograficznych, prawdopodobnie z udziałem chłopców. Ks. Gil, który również został zawieszony i usłyszał zarzuty, nie wiadomo jednak, gdzie przebywa. Przez sąd w Santiago uznany został za zbiega.

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Polski ksiądz kolekcjonował zdjęcia i filmy pornograficzne


Skandal pedofilski wśród księży na Dominikanie zatacza coraz szersze kręgi. Dominikańskie władze kościelne twierdzą, że to największy skandal w Kościele Katolickim w tym kraju. W komputerze ks. Wojciecha Gila znaleziono treści pornograficzne, prawdopodobnie z udziałem chłopców – podaje TVN24. O pedofilię podejrzany jest też abp Józef Wesołowski. Jak podają lokalne media, miał być w związku z księdzem Javierem Reyesem.

Jak nieoficjalnie podaje TVN24, powołując się na lokalne media, w kościelnym komputerze ks. Gila znaleziono 87 tys. zdjęć i filmów pornograficznych, prawdopodobnie z udziałem chłopców. Ks. Gil, który również został zawieszony i usłyszał zarzuty, nie wiadomo jednak, gdzie przebywa. Przez sąd w Santiago uznany został za zbiega.

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Pope Benedict Says Child Abuse Scandal, Coverup Not His Fault

The Philly Post

Joel Mathis

ABC News reports:

Seven months after leaving the papacy, emeritus Pope Benedict XVI broke his self-imposed silence Tuesday by releasing a letter to one of Italy’s best-known atheists in which he denied covering up for sexually abusive priests and defended Christianity to non-believers.

For nearly a quarter-century, the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger headed the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican office responsible for handling abuse cases. He was prefect when the scandal first exploded in the U.S. in 2002 and was pope when it erupted on a global scale in 2010 with revelations of thousands of victims in Europe and beyond, of bishops who covered up for pedophile priests and of Vatican officials who turned a blind eye to the crimes and in some cases actively interfered with bishops trying to report pedophiles to police.

In his letter, Benedict denies personal responsibility. “I never tried to cover these things up,” he wrote….

No, sex abuse isn’t specifically a Catholic problem—something we Pennsylvanians know all too well after the scandal at Penn State. Still, it’s kind of hard to avoid the idea that Benedict should know better: He’s the one that offers up the comparison between the priesthood and other professions. The difference between the priesthood and, say, selling cars is that only one of those professions is responsible for nurturing the souls of its customers.

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Poland to probe prelates in Dominican Republic pedophilia scandal, EFE

Dominican Today

Santo Domingo.- Poland’s top prosecutor on Wednesday announced the launch of a probe into a bishop and a priest from that nation charged with sexually abusing minors in the Dominican Republic, EFE reports.

Andrzej Seremet’s announcement comes in the heels of the scandal of the recalled Vatican envoy Jozef Wesolowski and the priest Wojciech Gil (Padre Alberto), in the town of Juncalito (central).

in the announcement aired by Warsaw’s TVN, Office of the Prosecutor spokesman Mateusz Martyniuk said they’ve contacted the Polish Embassy in the region to gather more information into the allegations against Polish prelates. “We should get official confirmation that an investigation is underway (in Dominican Republic) and clarify details.”

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HI – Predator priest trial is delayed

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

It was scheduled to start this week
Alleged child molester faces two accusers

For immediate release: Wednesday, Sept. 25

For more information: David Clohessy ( 314-566-9790 cell, SNAPclohessy@aol.com ), Barbara Dorris ( 314-862-7688 home, 314-503-0003cell, SNAPdorris@gmail.com )

A civil child sex abuse and cover up trial against a Hawaii priest and local Catholic officials has been delayed.

The trial, against the Diocese of Honolulu and the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers who employed Fr. Joseph M. Henry (deceased), was set to begin September 23. But it has been pushed back because Judge Edwin C. Nacino in of the First Circuit Court wants it to be re-filed under a newer state child sex abuse law.

That law, commonly called a civil “window,” gives anyone who was molested as a child in Hawaii a chance to file a civil lawsuit, no matter how long ago the alleged crimes happened.

“We’re disappointed because this brave victim is in poor health and because Hawaii citizens deserve to know the truth about church officials who commit and conceal child sex crimes,” said attorney Michele Betti of New York/California (646) 895-0939, mbettilaw@gmail.com) who represents two men who report having been sexually assaulted as children by Fr. Henry at St. Anthony’s Catholic School in Kailua. “During this delay, we hope that more current or former church staff or members will come forward with what they know about Fr. Henry and his complicit colleagues.”

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Pope names new bishop for Houma-Thibodaux diocese

Fox 8

Written by: Sabrina Wilson

NEW ORLEANS – Catholics in Houma and Thibodaux will soon have a new bishop overseeing the diocese for that area.

Pope Francis has named Archdiocese of New Orleans Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General Shelton Joseph Fabre as the new bishop for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux.

Monday afternoon New Orleans Archbishop Gregory Aymond held a press conference to discuss Bishop Fabre’s promotion by the Vatican. Fabre will replace Bishop Sam Jacobs, who is retiring.

“I look forward to meeting the people, I look forward to going out to the parishes, I look forward to them teaching me,” said Fabre. “I know they have things to teach me, and I hope I have things to teach them.” …

In a press release, Barbara Dorris, an Outreach Director for SNAP said:

“We see no evidence that Bishop Fabre has done anything to help protect the vulnerable, heal the wounded or expose the truth in his long clerical career. He’s obviously had ample opportunity to do so.

Often, Catholics give a new bishop ever benefit of the doubt. We hope that Houma Catholics don’t do this with Bishop Fabre. Until he proves – by actions, not words – that he’s different from the vast majority of his complicit colleagues, Catholics should report known and suspected child sex crimes to secular officials, not church officials.”

“My heart still pains for the sexual abuse victims,” Fabre said in response. “I know that their pain and their anger is great. I was a part of those negotiations, I did offer an apology in the name of the church, and sometimes that was not accepted. Some were very angry – I understand that – but not all of them were. There were some who were there who thanked me for being there, for listening to them.”

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Man Sues Estate of Dead Priest

Courthouse News Service


(CN) – An Episcopal priest sexually assaulted a child parishioner for 10 years, the child, now a man, claims in court.

John Doe claims in Suffolk County Court that the late Rev. Paul A.L. LaCharite sexually abused him from 1995 until 2005.

LaCharite died on Sept. 26, 2012, apparently of suicide, two weeks after he was accused of indecent assault, according to reports in Boston newspapers and an Anglican Church website.

LaCharite was rector and priest at the defendant St. James Episcopal Church in Somerville. From 2005 until his death in 2012 he was pastor at Old North Church in Boston, which is not a party to the lawsuit.

Doe also sued the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and LaCharite’s estate.

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Dominican official cites proof as Vatican envoy pedophilia case explodes

Dominican Today

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s Justice Ministry on Sunday affirmed having evidence of pedophilia against former Vatican envoy Józef Wesolowski, while a deacon in an east region diocese has confessed to “pimping” minors for the senior prelate as well as of being his sexual partner.

Deputy Procurator and the case’s lead investigator Bolivar Sanchez said there’s proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the former diplomat committed child abuse and is ready to present it to the Vatican, but noted that Wesolowski cannot be extradited because of his diplomatic status.

He said the minors interviewed admitted to masturbating for, and of taking part in oral sex with the bishop as he filmed them with a cell phone, while another witness affirmed seeing porno in his laptop at the Vatican embassy.

Sanchez revealed that when the local Catholic Church submitted the evidence to the Vatican, the Justice ministry was unaware of the case, received the full cooperation as soon as the investigation was launched.

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Dominican Republic-Vatican pedophile scandal roils Poland

Dominican Today

Santo Domingo.- The case of a catholic priest and a bishop, both Polish nationals charged with child molestation, has roiled Poland, whose media have sent journalists to cover the scandal that has rocked the Vatican and the Dominican Republic.

A former Dominican Today intern from Poland on Tuesday said Newsweek Pl. and one of the polish TV stations are covering the case extensively, and DT has already received the former’s investigative report published on Monday, by a journalist who with the help by DT staff also interviewed TV producer Nuria Piera, who first broke the case.

“Polish media published the article about this investigation in Dominican Republic and we have a little storm. They also covered the case of Juncalito. Something is really going on. Today this is already topic which we deal with every day,” the former intern said in reference to the town of Juncalito, where Polish priest Wojciech Gil (Padre Alberto) allegedly abused as many as one dozen minors.

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Deacon ‘pimped minors’ for nuncio

The Tablet (UK)

24 September 2013

The Justice Ministry of the Dominican Republic on Sunday said it has evidence of paedophilia against nuncio Józef Wesolowski, while a deacon has confessed to “pimping” minors for the senior prelate as well as of being his sexual partner, the website dominicantoday.com has reported.

The Deputy Procurator and the case’s lead investigator, Bolivar Sanchez, said there was proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the nuncio, whom the Vatican recalled last month, committed child abuse. Mr Sanchez said he was ready to present the evidence to the Vatican, but noted that Wesolowski cannot be extradited because of his diplomatic status. The Vatican has said it will cooperate with the Dominican Republic authorities, and has also launched its own internal investigation.

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Poland asks Dominicans for priest abuse details


September 25, 2013

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Polish authorities have asked the Dominican Republic for details of its child sex abuse investigation into two Polish priests, one whom is the Vatican envoy to the Caribbean country.

A spokesman for Polish prosecutors, Mateusz Martyniuk, said Wednesday the prosecutor general has written to Dominican officials, asking for details of their inquiry and whether it revealed any possible wrongdoing in Poland. Martyniuk says without such information, Poland can’t start an investigation of its own.

Dominican authorities haven’t asked for any assistance from Poland for their investigation into the papal envoy, Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, and the Rev. Wojciech Gil.

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Australian priest, advocate for women’s ordination excommunicated

National Catholic Reporter

Brian Roewe | Sep. 24, 2013

Editor’s note: Brian Roewe is working on a follow-up story. Keep an eye on NCRonline.org for updates.

An Australian priest vocal in his support of women’s ordination has become the first person excommunicated for such beliefs under the papacy of Pope Francis.

Fr. Greg Reynolds of Melbourne, Australia, told NCR by email late Monday night his initial reaction was “shock” upon learning of his separation from the church. Australian media have reported he is the first member of the Melbourne archdiocese excommunicated and the first priest from the area laicized for reasons other than pedophilia.

The news came Sept. 18 through a canon lawyer for the Melbourne archdiocese, Fr. John Salvano, who invited Reynolds a few weeks earlier to meet “to discuss ‘some canonical issue,’ ” Reynolds said. The former priest said Salvano presented him the letter of excommunication and proceeded to read it to him, since Reynolds did not read Latin.

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Priests accused of molestation were in Cape and Perryville

East Missourian

Friday, September 20, 2013
By Emily Priddy ~ Southeast Missourian

Documents released recently as part of a legal settlement show two Catholic priests accused of molesting children in California spent part of their careers in Cape Girardeau and Perryville, Mo.

John Edward Ruhl and John V. “Jack” Farris, members of the St. Louis-based western region of the Vincentian order, were among the defendants in a lawsuit alleging child molestation by multiple clerics.

Under the terms of a 2007 settlement, the defendants’ personnel documents were made public earlier this month.

Among the documents in Ruhl’s file are references to three victims who claimed Ruhl molested them in the 1970s.

Ruhl worked at St. Mary’s Seminary in Perryville from 1961 to 1963 and spent the summer of 1964 at St. Vincent’s College in Cape Girardeau. By mid-1993, he had been placed on “inactive leave” and was not expected to return to active ministry, according to a note in his file.

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The Ratz is back, stung by atheist into addressing the ‘deviance’ and ‘filth’ in his Church

The Freethinker


IN A letter to Italian atheist mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi, the Vatican’s shadow Pope Ratzinger has vigorously defended his handling of allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy – and “politely” criticised the logician’s total reliance on scientific facts for The Meaning of Life.

Ratzinger deplored the fact that Odifreddi had depicting the Church as the only place where such “deviation” and “filth” occurred. And where they did occur in the Church:

I never sought to conceal these things.

According to this report, the publication of the retired Pope’s leter to the atheist scholar on September 24 came in the same month as a letter written by Pope Number One – Frankie – to an Italian journalist concerning dialogue with non-believers. Both letters were published, with the two Popes’ permission, by the Italian daily La Repubblica.

The newspaper released long excerpts of Pope Benedict’s original 11-page response to Odifreddi, a prolific science writer who authored the book, Dear Pope, I Write to You in 2011.

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Detailed Summary of Case of Julio César Grassi


September 25, 2013

[This summary provides links to articles and documents.]

Grassi was a Salesian until 1991, when he became a priest of the Morón diocese. In 1993, he founded Fundacion Felices los Niños (the Happy Children Foundation), aimed at rescuing street children. According to a news article, the foundation cared for 6,300 children in 17 homes nationwide from 1993 to 2002.

On 11/29/2000, an anonymous complaint filed in the Juvenile Court of Morón accused Grassi of corrupting minors. The case lay dormant until 10/23/2002, when Telenoche Investiga,an investigative news show on Argentina’s Channel 13, aired a program alleging Grassi’s sexual abuse of five boys, ages 11 to 17. It included an interview with a young man, his face obscured, who said that Grassi performed oral sex on him in 1998, when he was 15. Within days, Grassi was arrested and charged with 17 counts of abuse of three boys, who were 9, 13, and 17 when the alleged incidents occurred. Grassi denied all the allegations.

However after Grassi was found guilty, the Episcopal Conference of Argentina hired a leading criminal defense lawyer and legal scholar, Marcelo Sancinetti, to produce a “private,” multi-volume critique of his prosecution and conviction. Still president of the conference, Bergoglio approved the commission. The study vigorously asserted Grassi’s innocence and, according to a Pagina 12 report, denied even the prevalence of child sexual abuse itself. It reportedly was circulated to judges who had yet to make determinations in the case. The first volume, with 423 pages, debunked the accusations of “Ezequiel,” of which Grassi was acquitted; volume two, with 646 pages, attacked the credibility of “Gabriel,” of whose abuse Grassi was convicted. As of spring 2013, a third volume had been produced, and a fourth and final volume was expected.

The bishops’ commissioned exoneration of Grassi was revealed in December 2011 by Juan Pablo Gallego, an attorney for the Committee for Oversight and Implementation of International Conventions for Children’s Rights, who had represented the plaintiffs at the trial. Gallego called the study a “scandalous instance of lobbying and exerting pressure on the Court” and accused the bishops of “further hindering a process that has outrageously granted the condemned priest a situation of almost unthinkable freedom.” On September 23, 2013, the Morón Criminal Court No.1 ordered that Grassi immediately go to prison to begin serving his sentence.

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A Response to Bill Donohue

Waiting for Godot to Leave

Kevin O’Brien

The other day, I referenced an article by Minnesota Public Radio in my post What Would You Do? regarding one of the most mishandled cases of abusing clergy since Bishop Finn and Father Ratigan.

And Bill Donohue has stepped into the fray, going so far as to giving “Kudos to Archbishop Nienstedt”, the man who must take the administrative blame for the sexual abuse of two boys by Fr. Curtis Wehmeyer. Kudos indeed.

Donohue’s legalistic defense of the indefensible can be read here.

The best thing to be said for it is that it’s short. And he ends with a pointed challenge, which I will be so bold as to answer. Or attempt to answer.

Donohue says …

The burden is on those who disagree to say exactly what should be done in instances where there are no complainants.

Well, there were complaints in the Wehmeyer case, as anyone reading the MPR article will see, but Donohue plays fast and loose with the facts. This is his M.O.

But he has pointed out that we should say “exactly what should be done” in cases like this.

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Abogado denunció que exobispo acusado de pedofilia solicitó sexo en el confesionario

America TV

[con video]

Francisco Fernández es el abogado de origen español que denunció el pasado 21 de agosto al ex obispo auxiliar de Ayacucho Gabino Miranda por supuestamente tener relaciones sexuales con menores de edad.

“Que un cura se dedique a tronchar –tener relaciones sexuales – mozas me parece muy mal, pero que se dedique a tronchar niños me parece mucho peor”, dijo el letrado en exclusiva para América Noticias.

El letrado opinó sobre la carta que escribió el ex obispo Miranda en la que rechaza los cargos. “Todos, el 95% de las personas acusadas de pedofilia, concubinato, todos lo niegan”, dijo Fernández

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Ex obispo Gabino Miranda pidió favores sexuales en el confesionario, según abogado

El Comercio

“Que un cura se dedique a tronchar -acostarse- con mozas me parece muy mal, pero que se dedique a tronchar con niños me parece mucho peor”, afirmó el abogado Francisco Fernández, quien denunció los supuestos casos de pedofilia del ex obispo Gabino Miranda.

En declaraciones para América TV, el letrado español detalló que Miranda habría pedido favores sexuales incluso en el confesionario. “Eso fue lo que me dijeron, no me especificaron número ni nombres”, dijo.

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Abogado español acusó a Gabino Miranda de tener sexo en confesionario

Peru 21

El abogado español Francisco Fernández, quien dio a conocer el caso del exobispo auxiliar de Ayaucho Gabino Miranda, acusado de pedofilia, se pronunció sobre la carta en la que este dice desconocer los cargos que se le imputan y por los cuales fue separado de la Iglesia Católica.

“Que un cura o un obispo se dedique a tronchar mozas (acostarse con jovencitas) me parece muy mal y que se dedique a tronchar niños (acostarse con niños) me parece mucho peor (…) El 95% de las personas acusadas de delitos de pedofilia, concubinato, paternidad, en principio todos los niegan”, aseguró.

Asimismo, Fernández señaló que si Miranda Melgarejo, tal como lo expresa en su misiva, aceptó haber cometido una imprudencia, ello puede tener varias interpretaciones, pues indicó que “salir con una niña de 13 años a una fiesta y comprarle unos helados” es un ejemplo de un acto grave impropio.

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Ayacucho: Fiscalía investigará a exobispo Gabino Miranda

Peru 21

[Summary: Javier Gonzales, president of the judicial district attorneys in Ayacucho, said investigations have been launched into allegations of pedophilia made against former Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Miranda. The prosecutor handling the case has asked the attorney general’s office, which deals with international crimes, to receive information it has requested from the apostolic nunciature in Lima through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Gary Amanda Chavez said he hopes there will be quick response from the Holy See. He is also awaiting arrival of Archbishop Salvador Pineiro, president of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference and current Ayachucho bishop, to give more information.]

El presidente de la Junta de Fiscales del Distrito Judicial de Ayacucho, Javier Gonzales, informó que se han iniciado las investigaciones por el presunto caso de pedofilia en contra del exobispo auxiliar de Ayacucho Gabino Miranda.

Por ello, el fiscal encargado del caso, Gary Armando Chávez, manifestó que se le ha pedido a la Fiscalía de la Nación –la cual tiene que ver con las denuncias que comprenden los delitos internacionales– que solicite toda la información concerniente a la Nunciatura Apostólica de Lima a través del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

“Ojalá que haya una respuesta rápida de la Santa Sede. En tanto, esperamos la llegada de monseñor Salvador Piñeiro (presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Peruana y actual obispo de Ayacucho)para que nos dé más detalles”, señaló Gonzales.

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Archbishop Myers, coadjutorized!

Spiritual Politics

Mark Silk | Sep 25, 2013

Pope Francis’ appointment of Michigan Bishop Bernard Hebda to serve alongside John J. Myers as coadjutor archbishop of Newark might have been the first time the Vatican acted to discipline a bishop for dealing improperly with sexually abusive priests since John Paul II accepted Bernard Law’s resignation as archbishop of Boston in 2002. Coadjutors are often appointed when the Vatican wants to make clear its displeasure with a hierarch (e.g. the case of Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen of Seattle).

But Law was given fancy quarters and high responsibilities in Rome, so “discipline” hardly seems like the right word. As for Myers, he insisted yesterday that he had requested a coadjutor “some time ago,” so the 72-year-old martinet will presumably slide into retirement with his face saved, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.

Myers’ troubles this year began with the revelation that Michael Fugee, a priest under court order not to minister to minors, had been ministering to minors. Then documents released in a $1.35 million abuse settlement by the diocese of Peoria suggested that when Myers was bishop there he had failed to take steps against the abuser.

Last month, in what might have been the last straw, Myers circulated an angry letter to the priests and laity of his archdiocese exonerating himself of all wrongdoing and anathematizing his accusers. “For any who set out to claim that I or the Church have had no effective part in the love and protection of children, is simply evil, wrong, immoral, and seemingly focused on their own self-aggrandizement,” Myers wrote. “God only knows their personal reasons and agenda. We are still called to love them. And God will surely address them in due time.”

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Priest accused of sexual abuse

The Slovak Spectator

25 Sep 2013

POLICE have charged a 47-year-old Roman-Catholic priest from the Zlaté Moravce district with sexual abuse. If found guilty, the man could spend from three to 10 years in prison, the TASR newswire reported on September 24.

From November 2011 to August 2012, the priest allegedly abused an 11-year-old girl . He would, for example, send her text messages telling her that he loved her, according to the website of the Nový Čas tabloid daily, Čas.sk.

The priest has been suspended from the parish until the court issues a verdict in his case, SITA informed.

Though the priest refused to comment on the charges publicly, he said off the record that he feels sorry. A source close to the investigation told the Sme daily that the priest confessed his affection for the girl.

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‘Argentine pedophile priest barred from work’

Sowetan (South Africa)

SEP 25, 2013 | SAPA-AFP

A high-profile Argentine priest who began a 15-year prison sentence for pedophilia this week has been barred from priestly work and his case sent to the Vatican, church officials said Tuesday.

Julio Cesar Grassi, 57, who was on provisional release since a 2009 trial, began his sentence after an appeal court in Buenos Aires upheld his conviction.

Grassi was found guilty of abusing a 15-year-old boy who had been living at the Felices los Ninos (Happy are the Children) foundation in Hurlingham, 25 kilometers (15 miles) west of Buenos Aires during the 1990s.

Two other victims later came forward with their own stories of abuse by the priest.

Tuesday, the diocese of Moron said Grassi now was barred from priestly duties.

“The diocese of Moron, in line with its rights to do so, applied the disciplinary sanction of barring him from priestly work until his case is settled,” a statement from the diocese said.

“An investigation, as well as a report on the trial and behavior of Father Grassi have been sent to the Holy See” for review, it added.

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Priest accused of sex assault released on bail

Citizens Voice

Published: September 25, 2013

A Lackawanna County priest accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy posted $50,000 bail Tuesday.

The Rev. William Paulish, 56, of Blakely, made bail by posting his house as collateral, court records show.

He was arrested last week after he was caught in his 2009 Toyota Venza with a 15-year-old. He faces a charge of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a person under 16 and related charges.

The Citizens’ Voice does not identify victims of sexual assault.

The Rev. Paulish was scheduled to appear before a magistrate on Wednesday for a preliminary hearing, but a motion for continuance filed by his attorney, Bernard Brown, was granted Tuesday. A new hearing date has not been scheduled.

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Poland seeks answers in Dominican Republic priest paedophilia case

The News

Poland may launch its own investigation into two Polish clergymen accused of paedophilia in the

Attorney General Andrzej Seremet contacted the Polish Embassy in Colombia on Tuesday so as to clarify accusations in the case (the Bogota embassy’s duties encompass the Caribbean island).

Seremet has stated that if there is sufficient suspicion that a Polish citizen committed a crime abroad, proceedings can be initiated in Poland.

“We must obtain official confirmation that an investigation is being carried out [in the Dominican Republic] and clarify precisely what it concerns,” said Mateusz Martyniuk, spokesman for the attorney general, in an interview with Poland’s TVN news channel.

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Church dumps rebel priest

The Age

September 21, 2013

Barney Zwartz
Religion editor, The Age

Dissident priest Greg Reynolds has been both defrocked and excommunicated over his support for women priests and gays – the first person ever excommunicated in Melbourne, he believes.

The order comes direct from the Vatican, not at the request of Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart, and apparently follows a secret denunciation in the best traditions of the inquisition, according to Father Reynolds.

The excommunication document – written in Latin and giving no reason – was dated May 31, meaning it comes under the authority of Pope Francis who made headlines on Thursday calling for a less rule-obsessed church.

Father Reynolds, who resigned as a parish priest in 2011 and last year founded Inclusive Catholics, said he had expected to be laicised (defrocked), but not excommunicated. But it would make no difference to his ministry.

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Marring the Cardinal’s image

Eureka Street

Andrew Hamilton | 25 September 2013

Cardinal George Pell is an inviting subject for an extended essay. He is well-known, expresses strong views succinctly, and has equally strong admirers and detractors. That always guarantees a lively response.

David Marr is a splendid essayist, and his Quarterly Essay displays his habitual virtues. It is elegantly written, is structured around a strong and colourfully told story, and brings home powerfully the sufferings of the victims of clerical sexual abuse and the failures of the Catholic Church in meeting them.

It is unfair, but that is the nature of this kind of essay.

Marr follows the path of Pell from schooldays to seminary, study in Rome and Oxford, parish work and responsibility for Catholic education in Ballarat, through to his consecration successively as Auxiliary Bishop in Melbourne, Archbishop of Melbourne, Archbishop of Sydney, and Cardinal with strong connections in Rome.

He interweaves this story with the incidence and response to clerical sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Pell was later accused of sexual abuse when he was a seminarian and the charge found unproven; he worked in the same circles as Gerald Ridsdale (the convicted child molester who abused children while working as a Catholic priest), met victims and heard accusations of clergy in his episcopal role, and introduced a framework for dealing with accusations and compensating victims in Melbourne.

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Vatican Diary / Confirmed, promoted, demoted


VATICAN CITY, September 25, 2013 – With the announcement of the appointment of the new secretary of state and with the measures taken four days ago, Pope Francis has kicked off a first round of incisive changes in the Roman curia.

He has done so in relatively short order, as moreover had been asked of him by the cardinals who supported him to the point of electing him successor of Peter.

From this series of appointments, confirmations, and non-confirmations – preceded by small but significant adjustments in other Vatican offices – one can already draw a few indications on the lines of governance of a pope who loves to call himself bishop of Rome but who within the Leonine walls acts 100 percent as supreme pontiff of the universal Church.

First of all it can be said that if his predecessor Benedict XVI nourished a certain idiosyncrasy with regard to the “caste” of apostolic nuncios, pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not showing any prejudice in this. On the contrary. While decrying the fact that the clerics who carry out the diplomatic service are more threatened than the others by the leprosy of ecclesiastical careerism, when he finds among them a person he maintains to be valid and competent – or is presented to him as such by advisors he believes to be trustworthy – he shows no hesitation in promoting them to high and delicate positions.

This is certainly the case of the new secretary of state, Pietro Parolin, and of the new prefect of the congregation for the clergy, Beniamino Stella. Also valued by pope Bergoglio for their discrete profile, foreign to all forms of extremism.

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“Grassi siempre estuvo protegido por la Iglesia”, sostuvo el abogado querellante


[Summary: Sergio Piris, who represents the boy abused by priest Julio Cesar Grassi, said the priest always felt comfortable because he was protected by the church. The statement from the Moron diocese which said it had doubts about Grassi’s guilt showed that it continues to protect him, he said.]

Sergio Piris, representante del joven por cuyos casos fue apresado Julio César Grassi, dijo que “el cura siempre se sintió muy cómodo porque estuvo protegido por la iglesia”. Fue después de conocerse el comunicado del Obispo de Morón.

“La Iglesia siempre lo protegió y hoy demuestra que lo sigue protegiendo”, dijo Piris al conocer el comunicado del Obispado de Morón, que hoy manifestó sus “dudas acerca de la culpabilidad” del cura Julio César Grassi”.

La máxima autoridad eclesiástica de Morón señaló en un comunicado hoy que antes de dar una opinión esperará a que haya “una sentencia firme” y que “contando con el asesoramiento de estudiosos especializados, se desprenden dudas acerca de la culpabilidad del padre Grassi, así como del `peligro de fuga`”.

“Grassi si manejó con total impunidad y hoy el Obispado de Morón confirma por qué pudo hacerlo” El comunicado del obispado argumentó que “él (Grassi) residió durante mucho tiempo sin alejarse de la vivienda declarada como su domicilio personal”.

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“Grassi fue absuelto en 15 casos y condenado en dos”

Minuto Uno

El obispado de Morón destacó que el padre Julio César Grassi “fue absuelto en quince casos y condenado en dos” y manifestó su “profunda preocupación por este hecho que es tan complejo y doloroso desde cualquier punto de vista”.

“Con actitud de misericordia, se hace solidaria hacia quienes afecta esta situación”, señala el texto que se reproduce completo a continuación:

El Obispado de Morón toma conocimiento del resultado del proceso judicial, mediante el cual la Suprema Corte de la Provincia de Buenos Aires ratifica lo actuado por los jueces inferiores.

El Padre Julio Cesar Grassi es nuevamente absuelto en quince casos y condenado en dos.

Luego de este revés judicial, el Padre Grassi se comunicó a este Obispado, manifestando que seguirá con las acciones legales tendientes a demostrar su inocencia, ya que considera que los hechos que motivan su condena son inaceptables.

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La Iglesia duda acerca de la culpabilidad del cura Grassi


[Summary: Three convictions for sexual abuse were not enough to convince the Church of priest Julio Cesar Grassi’s guilt. The bishopric of Moron expressed doubts about the priest’s guilt.]

El obispado de Morón emitió un comunicado mencionando “dudas” sobre la responsabilidad del sacerdote, condenado a 15 años de prisión. El fallo fue ratificado hasta por la Corte de la Provincia.

Tres fallos condenatorios por abuso sexual no alcanzaron a convencer a la Iglesia de la culpabilidad del acusado, el antes mediático cura Julio César Grassi. El obispado de Morón –al que pertenece Grassi– expresó ayer sus “dudas” acerca de la culpabilidad del sacerdote. Fue a través de un comunicado difundido al día siguiente de que un tribunal dispusiera, finalmente, su encarcelamiento. E incluso también se puso en duda el “peligro de fuga” de Grassi, un concepto que formó parte de los argumentos de los jueces que lo enviaron a la cárcel.

Los jueces del Tribunal Oral 1 de Morón revocaron el lunes la libertad vigilada de Grassi y ordenaron que fuera trasladado a la Unidad 39 de Ituzaingó, para que quedara dentro de la jurisdicción de la diócesis de Morón. Ayer, sin embargo, el cura fue llevado a la cárcel de Campana. La detención llegó luego de que la semana pasada la Corte Suprema de Justicia bonaerense ratificara el fallo a 15 años de prisión de un tribunal oral por el abuso de un menor comprobado en dos hechos. Al día siguiente, la Cámara de Casación bonaerense sostuvo que la libertad vigilada del cura debía ser revocada.

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Desayunó un té y lo llevaron a la cárcel donde está Carrascosa


Julio César Grassi no duró ni 24 horas en la Unidad 39 de Ituzaingó, adonde el lunes por la noche lo mandó detenido el Tribunal Oral N° 1 de Morón. Los jueces lo enviaron allí como deferencia por sus hábitos, ya que la cárcel queda dentro de su diócesis. Pero el Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense (SPB) evaluó rápidamente que ese lugar –de seguridad media– no era el adecuado.

Para ayer a la mañana, en el escritorio de los jueces del TOC 1 ya había un pedido de los penitenciarios para trasladar a Grassi a la Unidad 41, de Campana. Y así se hizo. Según fuentes del caso, el sacerdote fue destinado allí a un área en la que se concentran los ofensores sexuales. Estos, por la naturaleza de su delito, suelen tener problemas con otros presos.

Las primeras horas de Grassi en una cárcel fueron rutinarias. En Ituzaingó tuvo una entrevista con el grupo de evaluación y seguimiento y luego se lo asignó al sector de “Sanidad”. Es que, según se dijo, no había celdas disponibles. Luego de despedirse de sus abogados, que lo acompañaron en el traslado, se le asignó una habitación (con reja en lugar de puerta) para él solo. Por la mañana, desayunó un té con tostadas y mermelada y no tuvo tiempo para acomodarse porque se comenzó a preparar su traslado a Campana, donde se encuentran alojados otros presos conocidos, como Carlos Carrascosa.

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No podrá dar misa y será investigado por el Vaticano

Los Andes

[Summary: Priest Julio Cesar Grassi cannot say Mass in public but can do so in private, according to the Moron bishop. He will also face an investigation by the Vatican.]

El padre Julio César Grassi no podrá ejercer su ministerio sacerdotal en público y sólo podrá celebrar “misa privada”, a raíz de que el Obispado de Morón confirmó ayer la sanción eclesiástica en su contra y elevó a la Santa Sede “una investigación e informe de todo el proceso y actuación” del sacerdote.

Fuentes eclesiásticas dijeron que Grassi, condenado a 15 años de prisión por abuso sexual de menores, no puede “celebrar misa y tampoco impartir ningún sacramento, como bautismo o casamiento”.

“Tampoco podrá celebrar misa en la cárcel, sólo podrá hacerlo en privado, es decir sin asistencia de fieles. La única alternativa que le queda es hacerlo en la soledad de su celda”, precisaron.

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Desconfianza y tibieza


Por Washington Uranga

Finalmente, la “preocupación” del obispado de Morón por la situación del sacerdote Julio Cesar Grassi se tradujo apenas en una tibia sanción disciplinaria que le prohíbe al cura “el ejercicio público del ministerio sacerdotal”. En realidad, se trata de una medida intermedia que la autoridad eclesiástica, en este caso el obispo de Morón, Luis Guillermo Eichhorn, adopta “hasta tanto se resuelva definitivamente esta situación” y a partir de la afirmación de que “contando con el asesoramiento de estudios especializados se desprenden dudas acerca de la culpabilidad del P. Julio Grassi”. En definitiva, a pesar de que la causa ya atravesó tres instancias y que prácticamente no quedan posibilidades de revertir el fallo condenatorio contra el cura acusado de pedofilia, el obispado de Morón sigue sin confiar en la Justicia. La disposición es la mínima que se puede adoptar y, más que una sanción, parece destinada a proteger al cura y a intentar disminuir el daño a la imagen institucional de la Iglesia que ha sido seriamente perjudicada por la inacción en muchos casos de pedofilia comprobados en diversas partes del mundo.

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Cambio a la máxima seguridad


Tal como adelantó Página/12, Julio Grassi no quedó en la cárcel de mediana seguridad, sino que fue llevado adonde van los presos con condenas más altas. Allí está alojado Carlos Carrascosa. El cura llegó muy asustado y fue tranquilizado por otros internos.

Por Raúl Kollmann

El cura Julio César Grassi llegó ayer “asustado” –según describieron a este diario otros internos– a la Unidad 41, de máxima seguridad del complejo penal de Campana. El Tribunal Oral Nº 1 de Morón admitió la movida a propuesta del Servicio Penitenciario Bonaerense (SPB), que se basó en dos elementos: la pena de Grassi es alta, por lo que no corresponde que esté en un penal de media seguridad y, en segundo lugar, porque en el 41 de Campana hay un pabellón en el que correrá menos peligro. El traslado fue un anticipo exclusivo de Página/12. El tribunal había ubicado a Grassi en Ituzaingó argumentando que de esa manera no lo sacaba de su diócesis, pero la decisión contravenía normas del SPB. Uno de los compañeros de pabellón de Grassi es Carlos Carrascosa, imputado por el asesinato de su esposa, María Marta García Belsunce, aunque tiene otorgada la prisión domiciliaria, pero faltan algunos exámenes físicos y psiquiátricos. En el pabellón hay otro sacerdote, José Mercau, imputado por el abuso sexual de cinco menores, de entre 7 y 16 años, en El Talar de Pacheco.

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La Iglesia espera a la Corte de la Nación para el “juicio canónico”


El padre Julio César Grassi podrá seguir celebrando misa –ahora en la cárcel de Campana–, pero de modo privado, tal como lo hacía hasta el lunes, cuando estaba cumpliendo con el régimen de libertad vigilada. Así se desprende del comunicado del obispado de Morón difundido ayer. En el texto nada se dice de la impartición de sacramentos, pero bien podría interpretarse que no puede realizar oficios que impliquen congregar gente y trámites parroquiales, como un casamiento o un bautismo, aunque quizá podría confesar porque sólo basta una persona más: el que quiere confesarse.

La única manera de que Grassi no pueda realizar ningún oficio religioso es que sea suspendido o expulsado del ejercicio del ministerio sacerdotal. Y para ello hace falta la sustanciación de un juicio canónico (eclesiástico) donde sea encontrado culpable de los cargos. El obispado anticipó que no lo iniciará “hasta tanto no haya una sentencia firme”. Es decir, hasta que se pronuncie la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, la última instancia que le queda a Grassi para tratar de torcer su suerte. El cura llegó a argumentar ante los jueces que en un libro del caso hecho por un penalista había resultado “inocente” (ver foto).

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Pope Francis names Pittsburgh native to rescue Newark archdiocese

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

By Michael A. Fuoco / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Bernard A. Hebda, bishop of the rural Diocese of Gaylord, Mich., since 2009, on Tuesday became coadjutor archbishop of the metropolitan Archdiocese of Newark, N.J., making him the latest former Pittsburgher to rise to a level of national prominence in the Catholic Church.

The appointment by Pope Francis means that Archbishop Hebda, 54, leaves a diocese of 65,000 Catholics to assist in administering New Jersey’s largest diocese of 1.5 million Catholics in four counties. As coadjutor, he will automatically become archbishop upon the retirement, transfer or death of the current archbishop, John J. Myers, who at 72 is about three years from mandatory retirement.

At a news conference Tuesday in Newark, Archbishop Myers said “some time ago” he had requested a coadjutor (Latin for co-assister) to help with some strategic plans because he and two auxiliary bishops are in their 70s.

Archbishop Hebda said he was “humbled” by the pope’s confidence and grateful for “providing me with the ‘coadjutor’s cushion,’ an opportunity to experience the vitality of this local church and its challenges before ever being placed at the helm. I hope to take advantage of this blessing to the fullest extent possible,” by getting to know the priests, laity, parish, schools and institutions that make up the archdiocese.

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Newark Archbishop Myers’ assistant a contrast in style [video]

The Record


NEWARK — The Rev. Bernard A. Hebda comes from a place where reprimanded priests are named in press releases, and where the members of a panel charged with investigating clergy sex abuse are listed in the diocesan directory for anyone to see.

As bishop of Gaylord, Mich., Hebda expanded that review panel to include laypeople who work with children and teens. He also met personally with priests who were accused of sex abuse to ensure that they did not pose a danger to children.

On Tuesday, Hebda was named coadjutor bishop to Newark Archbishop John J. Myers, and on those critical points — issues at the heart of a scandal that has consumed the Newark archdiocese — the contrast between Hebda and the man he stands to succeed as archbishop one day could not be more stark.

Myers, who called his critics “evil” in an August letter to clergy, has come under fire for his treatment of a former Wyckoff priest who, prosecutors allege, violated a court-ordered agreement that barred him from ministering to children. And church records released last month in a $1.3 million lawsuit settlement with the Illinois diocese that Myers once headed showed a pattern of denial by Myers pertaining to knowledge of a priest’s alleged sex abuse — for which he faulted underlings who failed to alert him, or shoddy record keeping.

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The Newark Checkmate

National Catholic Reporter

Ken Briggs | Sep. 24, 2013 NCR Today

Appointing what amounts to a co-bishop in Newark is a reminder what a disingenuous tool that maneuver remains.

The move allows the Vatican to reprimand a sitting bishop without acknowledging its intentions. It’s designed to protect the incumbent. and to avoid charges of wrongdoing by sanctified leaders. That makes it an odd strategy for a pope who has declared his disdain for special treatment and privilege for the hierarchy.

Not that this formally face saving ambit exactly saves anyone’s face.

The fresh face in Newark, Bernard Hebda, in some ways resembles the last celebrated interloper,
Donald Wuerl, who was dispatched to Seattle in 1987 to put the clamps on Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen who was targeted by Rome for his liberal interpretation of church teachings toward gays and women, among other things. It was generally viewed in Catholic circles as a public shaming. Wuerl moved in, took over vital functions, and went on his way to Pittsburgh, then Washington. His reputation, like Hebda’s, was of a bright, Vatican marinated young cleric with a bright future replacing a older, censured outcast. Then it was Hunthausen, the progressive, now Myers, the unpopular conservative. The reasons for Vatican action is very different in each situation, and the validity of the cases against the two men are as diverse as is their merits and characters. But both unfairly became subjects of an awkward and unnecessarily demeaning punishment.

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The Record: A new archbishop

The Record


IT’S ABOUT tone. And it’s about time. Catholics in Newark have a new archbishop, Bernard Hebda.

Pope Francis has named a coadjutor archbishop to work alongside Archbishop John Myers, who, at age 72, is still three years from retirement. Coadjutors are named for several reasons: A bishop may be straying from doctrine, a financial crisis or capital program needs a stronger hand, a bishop’s health is failing or the bishop’s ability to shepherd his diocese has been severely compromised.

At a press conference Tuesday announcing the arrival of Hebda, Myers made it clear his health is good and that it was he who requested a coadjutor. Myers also said he did not need to explain to the public when he asked the Vatican for assistance.

Perhaps there is something reassuring in that sentiment. Explaining is not what Myers likes to do. In an August letter to priests of the archdiocese, he declared that those critical of his handling of sex abuses cases were “simply evil, wrong, immoral, and seemingly focused on their own self-aggrandizement.” Myers intends to cling to his autocratic style to the very end. He is consistent. And as Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

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Newark Archbishop Denies That Criticism Led to Moves

Published: September 24, 2013

NEWARK — The Roman Catholic archbishop here on Tuesday introduced the cleric appointed by the Vatican to assist him and denied that the move was related to criticism over his handling of a
of a sexually abusive priest.

The cleric, Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda, recently of Gaylord, Mich., was named coadjutor archbishop for Archbishop John J. Myers, 72, who is to retire as head of the Newark Archdiocese in 2016. A coadjutor automatically succeeds the current archbishop upon his retirement, transfer or death, according to a statement by the archdiocese. Archbishop Myers said on Tuesday that he intended “to be here until I’m 75.”

Archbishop Myers denied that Archbishop Hebda’s appointment was related to the controversy surrounding the Rev. Michael Fugee, who stepped down in May, or to accusations that he failed to take action against a priest accused of molesting a boy while he was bishop of Peoria, Ill.

“Absolutely not,” he said. “It was at my own request. That was never part of any discussion, and I don’t think that there are substantiated reasons for them doing so. I don’t think that it’s about that.”

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Archbishop Myers calls new right-hand man a ‘gift,’ rejects claims he’s out of favor with pope

The Star-Ledger

By Mark Mueller/The Star-Ledger
on September 25, 2013

Newark Archbishop John J. Myers introduced his new co-archbishop and eventual successor to New Jersey Tuesday, calling the appointment a “gift” that will help him carry out important initiatives and ensure a smooth transition after his retirement.

Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda, whom Pope Francis plucked from a small diocese in Michigan to serve at Myers’ side, was greeted with a standing ovation by dozens of priests and nuns during a press conference at the archdiocese’s headquarters in Newark.

Hebda, 54, a canon lawyer with degrees from Harvard and Columbia universities and more than a decade of Vatican experience in Rome, will begin immediately as Myers’ chief adviser and partner in running the state’s largest diocese.

“If you are wondering if I am as surprised as you are by this appointment, the answer is yes, and yet I am truly thrilled to be here to begin my service,” said Hebda, the nation’s second-youngest archbishop.

Hebda comes to Newark at a time of upheaval for Myers, the subject of intense criticism in recent months over the way he has handled priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse.

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Newark Archbishop Myers — one eye on his legacy, the other on the exit door: Moran

The Star-Ledger

By Tom Moran/ The Star-Ledger
on September 25, 2013

Newark Archbishop John J. Myers said yesterday he is praying for my soul. But I’m not sure I want him to intervene.

Because only last month Myers suggested people like me would spend eternity in hell for pointing out that he failed to protect children from sexual abuse by priests.

“God only knows their personal reasons and agenda,” he wrote of his critics. “We are still called to love them. And God will surely address them in due time.”

Using the language of love to express such bitterness is chilling, to put it mildly. Suffering for eternity seems just a tad overboard as punishment for an editorial calling for Myers to resign.

The news is that Rome intervened yesterday by appointing an heir apparent to Myers three years before he reaches retirement age. For now, the new man will sit at the archbishop’s elbow, watching every move as coadjutor archbishop.

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Priest’s tour warrants explanation


Scranton Bishop Joseph C. Bambera kept faith with his flock Sunday when he asked parishioners at numerous parishes to contact the Lackawanna County district attorney’s office if they had any information about suspected inappropriate conduct by the Rev. William J. Paulish.

Father Paulish was charged with several crimes for his alleged sexual conduct with a minor, after security officers at Penn State’s Worthington Scranton campus and Dunmore Police found him in his car with a 15-year-old boy.

Bishop Bambera’s letter was read Sunday at numerous parishes where Father Paulish had served since his ordination in 1988. Between then and his arrest Friday, he had 15 assignments across the diocese. Prior to his ordination, he had been a therapist at Lourdesmont, a center for troubled adolescents.

While reaching out to parishioners where Father Paulish had been assigned, the diocese has declined to comment on his frequent reassignments and unexplained leaves of absence.

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Chaplain fired from Avera St. Luke’s due to sexual harassment

Aberdeen American News

10:30 p.m. CDT, September 24, 2013

The Rev. Charles Emezie, a priest of the Diocese of Orlu, Nigeria, who has been employed as a chaplain at Avera St. Luke’s Hospital and Avera Mother Joseph Manor in Aberdeen for more than 18 years, has been terminated from his chaplaincy by the Avera administration, according to the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls.

Recent allegations of sexual harassment of adult female staff members have been found credible, the diocese reported, and constitute violations of the diocesan sexual misconduct policy.

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Priest Fired Over Sexual Harassment Allegations


A catholic priest at a hospital in Aberdeen has been fired after allegations of sexual harassment.

Father Charles Emezie is a priest of a diocese in Nigeria and has been a chaplain at Avera St. Luke Hospital and Avera Mother Joseph for over 18 years. Emezie was accused of sexually harassing female staff members.

The church investigated the allegations and decided to release Emezie from his duties.

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Abuse victims thought Church would help

ABC News

A child sexual abuse inquiry has heard some Hunter Valley victims did not want police involved because they were under the impression the Church would stop a paedophile priest from offending again.

The special commission is looking at claims police and the Catholic Church covered up abuse by two Maitland-Newcastle paedophile priests.

Maria Gerace is representing several abuse victims and yesterday summed up her case before the commissioner, Margaret Cunneen.

Ms Gerace told the inquiry her clients did not want police involved early on but that’s when they thought the Church was able to remove McAlinden from ministry and stop him offending.

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Benedict denies he covered up sex abuse while Pope

Irish Independent


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has broken his self-imposed silence with a lengthy letter to a prominent atheist in which he defended himself from accusations that he did not do enough to bring to justice sexually abusive priests.

The former pontiff spoke of his “profound consternation” that “evil” had entered so deeply into the Roman Catholic faith.

But he denied that he had, either as Pope or previously as head of the Vatican office dealing with abuse cases, tried to cover up the scandals that tarnished the church’s reputation around the world.

“That the power of evil penetrated so far into the interior world of the faith is a suffering that we must bear, but at the same time must do everything to prevent it from repeating,” he said. …


“Over a clerical career that lasted more than six decades, we can’t think of a single child-molesting bishop, priest, nun, brother or seminarian that Benedict ever exposed,” said Barbara Dorris of the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

“In the church’s entire history, no one knew more but did less to protect kids than Benedict.

“As head of CDF, thousands of cases of predator priests crossed his desk.

“Did he choose to warn families or call police about even one of those dangerous clerics? No. That, by definition, is a cover-up.” (© Daily Telegraph, London)

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Diocese acted on wishes of clergy abused victims: special inquiry hears

Newcastle Herald

By MICHELLE HARRIS Sept. 25, 2013

MAITLAND Newcastle Catholice Diocese officials should not be ‘‘unfairly’’ criticised for their handling of clergy abuse when they always acted in accordance with the wishes of victims, who did not want to report priests to the police, an inquiry in Newcastle has been told.

Lachlan Gyles, SC, for the Diocese, told the Special Commission of Inquiry this morning no adverse findings should be made against it as officials had not obstructed police inquiries nor actively discouraged victims of Father Denis McAlinden or Father James Fletcher from reporting their abuse.

There was no clear evidence as to why McAlinden had moved about 30 times between parishes and overseas over several decades, Mr Gyles said.

Commissioner Margaret Cunneen SC interjected to question whether the moves were made because McAlinden feared his ‘‘indiscretions with children’’ were about to be exposed.

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Paedophile Priest Banned from Priesthood

International Business Times

By Sounak Mukhopadhyay | September 25, 2013

Father Julio Cesar Grassi has been banned from priesthood on Tuesday.

The Argentine Roman Catholic priest has already been serving a jail sentence for 15 years due to the sexual abuse charge against him. The bishopric of Moron carried out the formalities of banning Fr Grassi in Buenos Aires.

Fr Grassi was renowned for convincing celebrities in the country to donate generously for the Happy Children Foundation. He raised millions for the foundation through several campaigns and TV appearances. Major celebrities who donated for the foundation have now remained aloof after Fr Grassi was charged.

He was charged for sexually abusing a teenage boy in 1996. However, he managed to move free in spite of the criminal charges against him. Later, the Buenos Aires Provincial Supreme Court sustained the jail sentence against him. Juan Pablo Gallego, the lawyer of the victim, pledged for an arrest of the priest on immediate effect.

On the other hand, Fr Grassi, 57, continued to insist that he was innocent of the criminal charges against him. Even though he has been under house arrest for years, he was freed for a brief period. He is also accused of sexually abusing other children from the orphanage. Nevertheless, every other charge against him has been dismissed due to lack of evidence.

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Mistakes of the past won’t be repeated: Catholic Church

ABC News

By Dan Cox

The Hunter Valley’s Catholic Church has moved to reassure a New South Wales inquiry into child sexual abuse the mistakes of the past will not be repeated.

The special commission is investigating claims the church covered up abuse by two paedophile priests, Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher.

Documents tendered to the inquiry show the church knew about McAlinden’s abuse which spanned 50 years.

Representing the Maitland-Newcastle diocese Lachlan Giles has summed up his case, saying church officials should not be “unfairly criticised” for their handling of the allegations.

He said they were adhering to the victims’ wishes not to involve police

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Predator priest’s conduct ‘horrific’

Big Pond News

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Father Denis McAlinden was a predator involved in horrific conduct, a lawyer for the Catholic Church has told an abuse inquiry.

But not all of the 30 times the pedophile priest was moved to new parishes around the country could be linked to his sexual abuse, lawyer Lachlan Gyles said.

‘There were a large number of moves where no reason was known,’ said Mr Gyles who’s representing the Maitland/Newcastle Catholic diocese.

But the lawyer assisting the commission, Julia Lonergan, fired back ‘Some moves related to sexual abuse.’

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September 24, 2013

El hermano del cura Grassi salió a defenderlo: “Lo acusan de cosas que no se demuestran”


El hermano del cura Julio César Grassi, quien ayer quedó detenido y pasó la noche en el penal de Ituzaingó, se mostró “indignado” por la decisión de la Justicia. “Es todo un show que hacen sobre una causa”, dijo. Y consideró que al sacerdote “lo acusan de cosas que no se demuestran”.

Juan José Grassi, hermano del cura condenado a 15 años de prisión por los delitos de abuso sexual agravado y corrupción de menores, aseguró que el sacerdote es víctima de una “injusticia tremenda”.

“Los hechos (por los que fue condenado) no son comprobables, son todas palabras y dichos”, afirmó. Al tiempo que remarcó: “Mi hermano es inocente y la Iglesia lo demostró en los libros que escribió”.

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El cura Grassi fue trasladado al penal de campana

El Diario

El padre Julio César Grassi fue trasladado del penal de la localidad bonaerense de Ituzaingó al de Campana, durante este lunes, según informaron fuentes policiales. En el lugar también se encuentra alojado Carlos Carrascosa por el crimen de María Marta García Belsunce.

De esta manera, el cura, condenado por abuso sexual y corrupción de menores, fue trasladado a un penal de mayor seguridad, luego de que surgiera una polémica en torno al lugar donde fue alojado en un primer momento.

En el penal de Campana no será el único detenido por un caso resonante. Allí también se encuentra Carlos Carrascosa por el crimen de María Marta García Belsunce.

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Emeritus Pope Benedict denies covering up abuse scandal …

Daily Mail (UK)

Emeritus Pope Benedict denies covering up abuse scandal and defends Christianity to atheists as he emerges from long silence

PUBLISHED: 18:57 EST, 24 September 2013

Benedict XVI has emerged from his self-imposed silence of seven months to deny covering up the sexually abusive priests scandal and defend Christianity to non-believers.

The emeritus pope released a letter to one of Italy’s best-known atheists, which was his first work published since he retired – and his first-ever denial of personal responsibility for the sex scandal.

But what made the letter published yesterday in Italy’s La Repubblica more remarkable was that it appeared just two weeks after Pope Francis penned a similar note to the newspaper’s atheist editor.

It gives evidence that the two men in white, who live across the Vatican gardens from one another, are of the same mind about the need for such dialogue and may even be collaborating on it.

The Vatican said the letters’ appearance was just a coincidence. Benedict wrote his to mathematician and atheist Piergiorgio Odifreddi, who in 2011 penned a book titled ‘Dear Pope, I’m Writing to You.’

The book was Mr Odifreddi’s reaction to Benedict’s classic ‘Introduction to Christianity’. In his book, Mr Odifreddi posed a series of arguments about Catholicism, including the sex abuse scandal.

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Benedict says he never hid abuse in church

Irish Times

Paddy Agnew

Wed, Sep 25, 2013

In a surprise statement, pope emeritus Benedict XVI yesterday claimed that in his time as pontiff he had never tried to hide clerical sex abuse crimes.

Benedict (86), who resigned as pope in February and was replaced by Pope Francis, made his remarks in the context of an open letter in yesterday’s Rome daily, La Repubblica, to mathematician, writer and atheist, Piergiorgio Odifreddi.

Replying to criticism regarding clerical child sex abuse, Pope Benedict writes: “With regard to what you write about the abuse of young people by priests, I can only, as you know well, express my profound consternation. I have never tried to hide these things. It is a matter of great suffering for us that the power of evil can penetrate right into the inner world of the faith. On the one hand, we have to carry this burden and, on the other, we have to do everything possible to guarantee that similar cases do not happen again.”


Benedict goes on to reject the idea that this “filth” is in any way “peculiar to Catholicism” adding that, “according to sociological research”, the percentage of priests who are paedophiles is similar to the percentage of paedophiles in other professions. His words cut little ice with victims’ lobbies such as the US group, Snap, which commented yesterday:

“Over a clerical career that lasted more than six decades, we can’t think of a single child-molesting bishop, priest, nun, brother or seminarian that Benedict ever exposed . . .

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Priest Fired For Sexual Harassment


ABERDEEN, SD – A priest serving as chaplain at Avera St. Luke Hospital and Avera Mother Joseph Manor in Aberdeen for more than 18 years has been fired by the Avera administration.

The Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls says recent allegations of sexual harassment by Reverend Charles Emezie against adult female staff members have been found credible. These allegations are also violations of the diocesan Sexual Misconduct policy. Father Emezie’s faculties to minister as a priest in the Diocese of Sioux Falls have been revoked and his bishop in Nigeria has been notified that he may no longer practice ministry in the diocese.

The Diocese of Sioux Falls encourages those who have been victims of sexual abuse or misconduct to contact its Victims Assistance Coordinator so that the Church might offer whatever assistance is appropriate. The coordinator or the diocesan chancellor can be reached at 800-700-7867.

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Benedicto XVI…

El Colombiano

Benedicto XVI negó encubrimiento de abusos sexuales por parte de sacerdotes

El Papa Emérito Benedicto XVI negó que haya intentado encubrir abusos sexuales a menores por parte de sacerdotes católicos, en sus primeros comentarios directos publicados desde que renunció al papado.

Los comentarios fueron formulados en una carta de 11 páginas enviada por Joseph Ratzinger al autor y matemático italiano Piergiorgio Odifreddi, quien escribió un libro sobre los problemas que enfrenta la Iglesia Católica Romana antes de que Benedicto XVI renunciara en febrero.

“En lo que concierne a su mención del abuso moral de menores por parte de sacerdotes, solo puedo, como sabe, reconocerlo con profunda consternación. Pero nunca traté de encubrir estas cosas”, sostuvo Benedicto XVI, quien ahora tiene el título de Papa Emérito.

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Father John Bambrick Believes Scandal with Archbishop Myers Impacted Decision to Bring in Coadjutor

NJ Today

[with video]

After the announcement that Archbishop Bernard Hebda will serve as the new coadjutor, or an assistant bishop, for the Archdiocese of Newark, some are saying a major reason for the shared leadership is the recent controversy Newark Archbishop John Myers found himself in with regard to failing properly supervise Father Michael Fugee who violated a court order and repeatedly ministered to children. Father John Bambrick of the Diocese of Trenton told NJ Today Managing Editor Mike Schneider that he believes the scandal had an impact on officials in Rome.

Bambrick called the announcement “a day of great jubilation for the church in New Jersey, particularly for the Archdiocese of Newark.”

He explained that as coadjutor, Hebda will have the right to succeed Myers should he resign, die or retire. “He really is the new archbishop. There’s technicalities Archbishop Myers remains, but really it’ll be Archbishop Hebda who’ll be heading up the archdiocese,” Bambrick said.

While Bambrick said only those directly involved in the change know if the recent scandal affected the decision, he said it likely had a significant impact in Rome. “We’ve seen with Pope Francis that where bishops have recently had instances of maleficence he has removed them,” he said.

While Bambrick has been critical of Myers, he said Myers has done some great, influential work. “There’s no reason to dishonor him or disrespect him so I think this is a way of being respectful toward the archbishop and his work but also coming to the aid of the archdiocese in Newark at this time which is important,” Bambrick said.

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Shakeup at Newark Archdiocese Could Spell Beginning of the End …


Published on Sep 24, 2013

Archbishop Bernard Hebda has been assigned as the new coadjutor, like an assistant archbishop, for the Newark archdiocese where Archbishop John Myers has faced controversy. For more New Jersey news, visit NJ Today online at http://www.njtvonline.org/njtoday/.

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Shakeup at Newark Archdiocese Could Spell Beginning of the End for Myers

NJ Today

[with video]

By David Cruz
NJ Today

Archbishop Myers and the new coadjutor — Archbishop Bernard Hebda — entered today’s press conference to a standing ovation from an audience made up of auxiliary bishops and archdiocese staff there, perhaps, to provide a buffer of good cheer against a press corps eager to hear from the usually camera averse church leader. His tenure has been marked by controversy, including charges that he helped to cover up child sex abuse in Peoria and failed to properly supervise Father Michael Fugee, who violated a court order by repeatedly ministering to children. Today Myers was asked if he would have done anything differently.

“Well, I probably would meet more often with the editorial board of the Star-Ledger,” he quipped to wild applause.

It’s been that kind of relationship with the media. Myers says the press has gotten a lot of things wrong, especially surrounding his role in the Fugee controversy. He said the coverage was slanted and often inaccurate, although he passed up the chance to set the record straight today.

“Am I angry? No,” he added. “I pray that I not be angry because I don’t think that’s appropriate and that’s not the Christian approach. Rather to pray for everyone, everyone in the Archdiocese which I do several times a day, including those who are in the media.” …

Critics, like sex abuse survivors’ advocate Robert Hoatson, who has been dogged in his calls for Myers to step down, say they’re hopeful that Hebda’s arrival will mean the beginning of a transition toward the end of Myers’ tenure. But Hoatson said Hebda will need to act quickly.

“He’s coming to an archdiocese in crisis, serious crisis, we all know that,” said Hoatson. “Hopefully, Archbishop Hebda did the polite thing by congratulating his predecessor but hopefully will now say, ‘This is my show and I’ve got to heal something that is very critical, very serious here.’”

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Church ‘made Cardinal Keith O’Brien scapegoat on sex abuse

The Times

Michael Glackin
Published at 12:01AM, August 24 2013

Its former adviser on sexual abuse has accused the Roman Catholic Church of making Cardinal Keith O’Brien a scapegoat to divert attention from its failure to properly address the issue.

The accusation follows claims made by Mario Conti, the retired Archbishop of Glasgow, that Cardinal O’Brien had refused to co-operate with plans put forward by bishops to invite an independent researcher to compile a report on each of Scotland’s eight dioceses handling of sex abuse allegations.

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Emeritus Pope Benedict denies cover up, deaf victims in Wisconsin still wait

SNAP Wisconsin

Statement by Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director
CONTACT: 414.429.7259

(See SNAP’s international statement by Barbara Dorris).

Today it is being reported that Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI has finally spoken about his involvement in the cover up of sexually abusive priests. Apparently, there wasn’t any. Why? Because he didn’t “try” to cover up for abusive priests.

The well-established truth, however, is that Benedict exercised authority over, knew of, was involved in, or neglected to take action concerning tens of thousands of priests who raped, sexually assaulted or abused hundreds of thousands of children across the globe over several decades.

This is especially and most grievously true in the pedophile priest case which has come to symbolize the entire wretched history of cover up and deception by the Vatican: Fr. Lawrence Murphy. Murphy, as is now well known, sexually assaulted over 200 deaf children at St. John’s School for the Deaf in Milwaukee. Benedict knew of Murphy’s crimes, in detail, yet secretly ruled that the pedophile be left in the priesthood, unsupervised and untreated until his death.

Murphy is hardly the only case Benedict was directly involved in, but it is the one case in which he can still make an effort at amends which might mean something to those harmed. It’s not likely, given his continual denial, but he can reach out and offer a sincere apology to these courageous men and women. (See deaf survivor Steven Geier’s statement when the Benedict resigned.)

Appallingly, many of these same victims of Fr. Murphy are still being denied justice today by the Church. In Federal Bankruptcy Court the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has launched yet a new wave of motions in its nearly three year effort to prevent restitution to survivors of priest abusers, including many deaf victims of Murphy.

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Argentine Priest Jailed For Sex Abuse

The Wall Street Journal


BUENOS AIRES—An Argentine priest who was once defended by Pope Francis against sex-abuse allegations has been ordered to prison to complete a 15-year sentence for sexually abusing an adolescent boy at a youth center over a decade ago.

Rev. Julio Grassi, a well-known priest who ran a shelter for troubled youth, was ordered to jail by a Buenos Aires provincial court late Monday, days after the priest lost his appeal to the province’s high court. Father Grassi was convicted of aggravated sexual abuse in 2009, but had been allowed to stay in his house across the road from the center while he appealed the case.

Father Grassi said he would again appeal the case to the country’s Supreme Court. I don’t “have a trace of pedophilia,” he told judges before they ordered him taken to the Ituzaingó prison.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi declined to comment.

The case is the most prominent abuse case in the pontiff’s native land. Father Grassi was a high-profile figure in Buenos Aires during the 1990s and 2000’s, running the Fundación Felices los Niños, or Happy Are The Children Foundation. He was frequently seen on television and rubbing elbow with celebrities, politicians and businessmen as he sought backing for the foundation.

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Newark Archdiocese Gets 2nd Archbishop

NBC New York

By DAVID PORTER | Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013

Newark’s Roman Catholic archbishop on Tuesday introduced the cleric appointed by the Vatican to assist him and denied that the move was related to criticism over his handling of a sexually abusive priest.

Archbishop Bernard Hebda, recently of Gaylord, Mich., was named coadjutor archbishop for 72-year-old Archbishop John Myers, who is to retire in mid-2016 as head of the Newark Archdiocese. A coadjutor automatically succeeds the current archbishop upon retirement, transfer or death, according to a statement by the archdiocese. Myers said Tuesday he intends “to be here until I’m 75.”

Myers denied that Hebda’s appointment was related to the controversy over the Rev. Michael Fugee, who stepped down in May, or to accusations that he failed to take action against a priest accused of molestation when Myers was bishop of Peoria, Ill.

“Absolutely not,” Myers said. “It was at my own request. That was never part of any discussion and I don’t think that there are substantiated reasons for them doing so. I don’t think that it’s about that.”

On Tuesday, Myers said he had requested a coadjutor “some time ago” because the archdiocese is undertaking several major projects and he and two other bishops are in their 70s. Hebda is 54. When asked when he made the request, Myers declined to specify.

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Emeritus Pope Benedict denies covering up sexual abuse in the church

Deutsche Welle

Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI [pictured left] has published a lengthy letter denying he covered up reports of sexual abuse by priests.

Benedict’s comments were made in an 11-page letter to Piergiorgio Odifreddi, an Italian atheist and mathematician who in 2011 wrote a book about the problems facing the Catholic Church before the pope resigned.

Excerpts of the letter were published in the Rome newspaper La Repubblica on Tuesday.

In the book, Odifreddi poses several arguments polemical arguments about the Catholic faith, including the sex abuse scandal that has plagued the Church. …

Meanwhile, victims’ groups have rejected Benedict’s denial and accuse him of not doing enough to stop the abuse of children by priests during his time at the Vatican.

In response, The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), released a statement saying: “In the Church’s entire history, no one knew more but did less to protect kids than Benedict.”
The crisis came to light in Boston in 2002 when media began reporting on cases of abuse that were systematically being covered up.

As a result, the Church has set up new guidelines such as how to deal with cases of past abuse, prevent new cases and report abuse to police.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Popular Stockton priest announces he’s fathering a child

News 10

Tim Daly

STOCKTON, CA – Dean McFalls, a well-known priest in the Stockton Diocese, has resigned after telling parishioners he’s about to become the father of a baby boy.

“I definitely have disappointed many people,” McFalls said. “That’s why I’ve talked about it openly, so they won’t be left guessing about what’s going on.”

McFalls was the pastor at St. Mary’s Church in downtown Stockton. He announced his resignation in a statement read during mass on Sunday.

McFalls came to Stockton in 2008 from Lathrop’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, according to The Record newspaper in Stockton. He has been outspoken about the city’s struggles with crime and violence, among other issues.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Celibacy expert says Wehmeyer was giving ‘danger signals’

Minnesota Public Radio

Anyone in a position of authority in the Roman Catholic Church should have been able to see “red flags” in the behavior of the Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer, a priest now in prison on charges of child pornography and child sexual abuse, says a former priest who now works as a counselor in the field.

Wehmeyer served for years in parish positions in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, even as a series of allegations suggested that he was cruising for anonymous sex, propositioning strangers and spending unsupervised time with young boys.

“These are red flags,” said Richard Sipe in an interview with Morning Edition. “These are danger signals,” he said, that should have portrayed Wehmeyer as “compulsive and having a hard time controlling himself, as was very clear to the bishop and to the priests — some of the priests, certainly, in authority in St. Paul.”

Sipe, a former priest and professor at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn., is now a clinical mental health counselor in California. He has spent years researching celibacy and mental health among Roman Catholic priests.

He said the outlines of the Wehmeyer story are familiar, “and that’s the problem. Sexual behavior by priests and bishops is very, very common.

“Now, most of it is not illegal. It might be hypocritical, and certainly at times it is abusive, with women or with men, but many times it is consensual. Many times it’s activity that many men have. But it should not be in the priesthood.”

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Priest accused of sex with boy makes bail by posting home


SCRANTON – A Lackawanna County priest accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy posted $50,000 bail Tuesday, pending an as yet unscheduled preliminary hearing.

The Rev. William Paulish, 56, 450 Third St., Blakely, made bail by posting his house, court records show.

He was arrested last week after he was caught in his 2009 red Toyota Venza with a 15-year-old. He faces a charge of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a person under 16, among other charges.

The Rev. Paulish was scheduled to appear before a magistrate on Wednesday for a preliminary hearing, but a motion for continuance filed by his attorney, Bernard Brown, on Monday was granted Tuesday. A new hearing date has not been scheduled.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Outspoken priest steps down from St. Mary’s in Stockton

The Record

By The Record
September 24, 2013

STOCKTON – Father Dean McFalls, an outspoken and popular priest, has resigned as pastor of St. Mary’s Church because, he told parishioners, he is about to become the father of a baby son.

McFalls, 58, has not been defrocked but is no longer able to perform his duties as a priest.

In a letter to the congregation, McFalls said, “I assume full responsibility for my actions and will do all that I can so that my child receives the care and love that he deserves.”

He has been replaced on an interim basis by Jose Luis Gutierrez, the vocations director for the Diocese.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.

Argentine Priest Banned From Priesthood

ABC News

A Roman Catholic priest who is serving a 15-year jail sentence in Argentina for sexually abusing a boy has been banned from the priesthood.

The bishopric of Moron in western Buenos Aires banned Father Julio Cesar Grassi from priestly duties Tuesday.

The priest well-known for persuading Argentine celebrities to donate to the Happy Children Foundation began serving his sentence a day earlier.

Grassi had earlier remained free despite charges of abusing the teenager in 1996.

He continued living across the street from the orphanage after his 2009 conviction while he appealed. Grassi was taken into custody Monday after the top provincial court upheld his sentence.

Note: This is an Abuse Tracker excerpt. Click the title to view the full text of the original article. If the original article is no longer available, see our News Archive.