9 Accused in This Diocese
- Associated Press 02.08.21
- Diocese of Dodge City Statement 02.08.21
- The Leaven 02.08.21
- Diocese of Salina 02.08.21
- Wichita Eagle from Kansas City Star 02.08.21
- Catholic News Service 02.09.21
- The Pillar 01.31.22
- Kansas City Star 03.23.22
- Archdiocese of Kansas City KS Statement 03.23.22
- Associated Press 03.23.22
- The Pillar 03.24.22
- Diocese of Dodge City 03.26.22
- FindaGrave 12.00.09
- Diocese of Wichita Assignment Record 09.20.19
- Diocese of Dodge City Assignment Record 10.31.19
- Anderson Ad Book 11.13.19
- Hutchinson News 01.17.10
- Catholic Diocese of Dodge City Update Charter for Protection of Children and Young People 04.30.10
- Lawrence Journal-World 06.23.10
- Diocese of San Bernardino list 11.19.18
- Diocese of Wichita List 09.20.19
- Diocese of Dodge City List 10.01.19
- CO Attorney General Special Masters Report 10.22.19
- Catholic Diocese of Dodge City Update: Charter for Protection of Children and Young People 04.30.10
- Lawrence Journal-World 07.09.10
- Lawrence Journal-World 07.21.10
- Catholic Sentinel 08.17.10
- Lawrence Journal-World 08.29.10
- Catholic Culture 08.30.10
- Diocese of Dodge City List 10.01.19
- Hayes Post 10.02.19
- Facebook post re Death 07.17.22
- Diocese of Dodge City Assignment History 10.31.19
- Diocese of Dodge City List 10.01.19
- Diocese of Dodge City Assignment History 10.31.19
- Diocese of Dodge City List 10.01.19
Bishop John B. Brungardt
Seminarian Heleodoro de Hoyos
Diocese: Diocese of Dodge City KS
Fr. Donald Fiedler
Fr. John A. Haberthier
Fr. Augustine Hanchak
Fr. Orestes M. Huerta
Died: 07/17/2022
Diocese: Diocese of Dodge City KS
Seminarian Joel McClure
Diocese: Diocese of Dodge City KS