17 Accused in This Diocese
- Associated Press 06.04.02
- Traverse City Record-Eagle 06.04.02
- Traverse City Record-Eagle 06.11.02
- Traverse City Record-Eagle 08.28.02
- Detroit Free Press 04.14.03
- Traverse City Record-Eagle 04.02.06
- Diocese of Gaylord Internal Memo 11.09.18
- Diocese of Gaylord List 11.10.18
- 9 and 10 News 11.14.18
- Michigan Live 11.15.18
- MI A.G. Diocese of Gaylord Report 01.08.24
- Grand Rapid Press 05.08.02
- Associated Press 05.08.02
- Traverse City Record-Eagle 06.11.02
- Detroit Free Press 04.14.03
- Diocese of Gaylord Internal Memo 11.09.18
- Diocese of Gaylord List 11.10.18
- 9 and 10 News 11.14.18
- Michigan Live 11.15.18
- Diocese of Saginaw List 04.10.19
- MI A.G. Gaylord Report 01.08.24
Fr. Patrick J. Barrett

Fr. Walter William Derylo

In 5/2007 a woman told the Diocese that Derylo touched her daughter when she was age 5 or 6. The woman said she had been in a sexual relationship with Derylo 1985 and into the 1990s, which Derylo confirmed, and that her daughter had recently told her of the 'touching.' The daughter wasn't sure how many times, but remembered one incident that allegedly occurred while Derylo was putting her pajamas on her.
Fr. James Kemp Gardiner

In 1997 the Diocese received a report that Gardiner had engaged in unwanted sexual touching with a man who had reached out to him while feeling suicidal. Gardiner admitted to the incident, which occurred in 12/1996. In 2015 a man reported sexual assault by Gardiner and Fr. Ronald Gronowoski numerous times when he was age 17 in the early 1980s. The alleged victim said that the priests paid him to keep quiet. The Diocese deemed the allegations against Gardiner not credible. In 2019 the man said that Gardiner was a life-long friend and that nothing sexual happened between them. Ministry restricted in 1/24 after Bishop Walsh met with the Diocesan Review Board.
Fr. Ronald Vincent Gronowski

Ordained for the Diocese of Saginaw. Became priest of the Gaylord diocese when it was created in 1971. Transferred in 1/1993 to the Diocese of Honolulu. Resigned in 5/2002 after a review of his personnel file showed allegations in 1994 that he was involved in sexual misconduct with a teenage boy over several years in the 1970s. His victim had complained to the Diocese that Gronowski was in active ministry. Gronowski admitted his behavior and apologized publicly. His victim said that Gronowski also had a "sexual relationship" with another teenager, who confirmed this in 1994. Gronowski was sent to treatment. Confidential settlement of $50K in 1995. Faculties for public ministry removed in 1996 by Honolulu bishop. Returned to MI, allowed to minister. Allegation in 2005 of abuse of a minor in the late 1960s. In 2024 there were three known allegations of the sexual abuse of minors and two young men 1969-1981. Also allegedly received pornography at a parish rectory in 2002 and showed it to kids. Grownowski moved to St. Petersburg FL in 2011. Included on the Diocese's list 11/10/2018. On the Saginaw diocese's list 4/10/2019. Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report.
Fr. Lionel A. Harnish

Fr. Wilbert (Norbert) Hegener

Hegener's name was quietly added in late 2021 to the Diocese of Gaylord's list of those credibly accused of child sexual abuse. It notes that Hegener returned to his religious order in 1999 and died in 2009. Included in the 1/8/2024 MI Attorney General's Gaylord report. Accused in 10/2019 of groping a boy, ages 9-12 twice between 1984-1987. Included on the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province list as of 1/2024. (Hegener was a member of the Sacred Heart Province.)
Fr. James A. Holtz

Fr. Francis Karl

Accused in 11/2018 of sexually abusing an altar boy, age 13, in the late 1970s. Karl allegedly took the boy to his cabin, drugged and then abused him. Karl also allegedly took pictures. The boy told his mother who did not want to report it. He said he called the Diocese eight years later, at age 21, and was told by a secretary there was nothing they could do.
Fr. Benedict J. Marciulionis
First named publicly as accused on the diocese's list 11/10/2018. Removed from ministry in 1981. Died in 2000. Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report. Per the report, in 8/2007 a woman told the Diocese that Marciuilonis molested her in the early 1980s, when she was in fifth through eighth grades. She said the abuse occurred in his car, his bedroom, the confessional and in the rectory. She said he also sexually abused her siblings, and that the abuse ended after a sister told their mother. Police investigated and Marciulionis was removed from the parish several weeks later.
Fr. Bryan W. Medlin

In 12/2021 the diocese acknowledged that Medlin was being investigated by the MI Attorney General due to allegedly sending inappropriate texts to high schoolers. Medlin was pastor at the time of the National Shrine of the Cross in the Woods in Indian River and assistant director of vocations for the diocese. He was placed on leave pending the civil and diocesan investigations. In 3/2022 the A.G.'s office announced that it did find that Medlin had sent inappropriate messages to teens and young men, but it would not file criminal charges because the behavior "did not meet the threshold of criminal behavior beyond a reasonable doubt." The diocese announced in 6/2022 that Medlin would remain indefinitely on administrative leave with monitoring, and was not allowed to present himself as a priest.He was laicized in 3/2023. Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report.
Fr. Leo Olschausken

From Lithuania. Arrived in Chicago in 1958. Assigned to St. Michael's Lithuanian Church in Chicago, then chaplain 1961-1974 in the Diocese of Grand Rapids MI at Mercy Hospital in Cadillac. First named publicly as accused on the Diocese of Gaylord's list 11/10/2018 (name erroneously spelled "Olschaysken.") Noted to have been removed from the diocese and returned to his Order in 1974. Per a parish history for St. Mary of the Assumption in Coal City IL, diocese of Joliet, Olschausken was assigned there 1974 until his death 7/21/1987. Further, "Father Leo endeared himself to the Altar Severs. These boys were his special charge. They became very close to him and he to them." Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report.
Fr. Raymond John Pilarski

Fr. Terrence Andrew Raymond

Ordained for the Diocese of Saginaw. Became a priest of the Diocese of Gaylord when it was created in 1971. Left the priesthood in 1985. Died in 1986. First named publicly as accused by the Gaylord diocese on its list 11/10/2018. On the Saginaw diocese's list by 8/9/2019. Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report, which shows multiple allegations of the sexual abuse of girls, as young as age 6, and sexual 'relationships' with adult women, two of which produced children.
Fr. Laurus R. Rhode
First named publicly as accused on the Diocese of Gaylord's list 11/10/2018. Noted to have been removed from the diocese and returned to his Order in 1993. Died in 1995. Included in the MI Attorney General's 1/8/2024 Gaylord report, which shows that Laurus was accused of inappropriate hugging and of kissing and fondling girls, as young as age 6. Included on the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe list of credibly accused as of 1/2024. (Member of the Sacred Heart Province.)
Fr. Robert Gordon Smith
Deacon Richard R. Trapp

Died: 02/5/2013
Diocese: Diocese of Gaylord MI
Ordained for the permanent diaconate in 1975. Accused in 1990 of the recent fondling and kissing of a girl, age 7. Suspended. Restored to ministry after two months by Bishop Cooney, who said that a professional consultant told him that there was no reason that Trapp couldn't be returned to his duties. Trapp died in 2013.
Fr. John Tupper