73 Accused in This Diocese
- The Republican 07.11.13
- The Republican 07.11.13
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 07.11.13
- SNAP Statement 07.11.13
- WWLP 07.11.13
- WWLP 03.29.16
- SNAP 03.29.16
- WCVB 03.29.16
- The Republican 03.29.16
- MassLive 03.29.16
- New England Public Radio 03.29.16
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 03.29.16
- Diocese of Springfield Statement 03.29.16
- The Republican 03.31.16
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 04.05.16
- The Republican/MassLive 07.14.20
- Diocese of Springfield List udpated 06.02.21
- Boston Globe 06.06.10
- WWLP 06.07.10
- iobserve 06.09.10
- The Republican 06.10.10
- Catholic Culture 06.15.10
- CBS 3 06.15.10
- WWLP 06.15.10
- Springfield Diocese List of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- SNAP 02.10.16
- MassLive 02.11.16
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Corridan Funeral Home 04.20.23
- Berkshire Eagle 09.24.03
- Springfield Republican 09.24.03
- Catholic Observer 10.05.03
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Springfield Republican 04.25.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Associated Press 11.12.04
- Springfield Republican 09.08.05
- Berkshire Eagle 09.25.08
- Berkshire Eagle 11.07.08
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Berkshire Eagle 12.12.15
- Republican 12.30.04
- Berkshire Eagle 12.31.04
- Observer (Springfield) 01.07.05
- Republican 07.15.05
- Republican 0 10.07.05
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Republican 12.08.08
- Springfield Diocese List of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Collection of Articles prior to 07.01.12
- The Republican 07.23.12
- Catholic Culture 07.27.12
- The Republican 10.23.12
- The Republican 01.02.17
- WWLP 01.02.17
- iObserve Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield 01.04.17
- Boston Globe 01.04.17
- Newschannel 10 01.04.17
- The Republican 07.23.19
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- North Adams Transcript 04.08.75
- The Berkshire Eagle Obituary 07.18 95
- Diocesan Letters to Biasin re Gill 2002 and 2008
- The Berkshire Eagle 08.07.21
- The Berkshire Eagle 08.07.21
- The Berkshire Eagle 08.11.21
- The Berkshire Eagle 08.13.21
- Berkshire Eagle 08.31.22
- Diocese of Springfield MA List 09.01.22
- iObserve 08.31.22
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 07.31.02
- Springfield Republican (2nd) 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 12.30.04
- iobserve 01.07.05
- Telegram & Gazette (AP) 12.01.06
- Springfield Republican 12.02.06
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Springfield Republican 09.17.09
- iobserve 09.25.09
- Berkshire Eagle 05.20.10
- WWLP 07.19.10
- The Republican 06.10.11
- Springfield Diocese List of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- The Republican 07.23.12
- The Republican 07.25.12
- WGGB 07.25.12
- iobserve 07.26.12
- iobserve 07.26.12
- The Republican 07.26.12
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 01.25.15
- The Republican 05.02.21
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Providence Journal Bulletin 12.18.02
- Recorder 03.21.03
- Union News 03.24.03
- Berkshire Eagle 03.24.03
- Springfield Republican 09.16.03
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 10.02.03
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Republican via Mass Live 02.12.21
- Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian 05.27.21
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- North Adams Transcript Obituary 08.25.88
- The Republican 12.13.03
- The Republican 08.03.04
- The Republican 08.17.04
- The Republican 12.30.04
- iobserve 01.07.05
- The Republican 12.02.06
- The Republican 07.30.08
- The Republican 12.02.08
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Associated Press 02.17.02
- Daily Hampshire Gazette (AP) 07.31.02
- The Republican 12.13.03
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 10.15.05
- Telegram & Gazette (AP) 12.01.06
- Springfield Republican 12.02.06
- Springfield Republican 07.30.08
- The Republican 12.02.08
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Springfield Diocese List of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Boston Globe 09.16.02
- Springfield Republican 12.26.03
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 01.07.05
- IObserver (Springfield) 01.07.05
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Springfield Diocese List of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- Obituary in The Republican 12.04.13
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Berkshire Eagle 11.26.24
- The Republican 12.13.03
- Springfield Republican 02.23.04
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Springfield Republican 08.03.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- IObserve 01.07.05
- Springfield Republican 01.07.05
- Springfield Republican 01.08.05
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Springfield Diocese list of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Croteau Murder Investigation File
- Victim’s Statement 10.09.91
- Boston Globe 10.21.91
- Boston Globe 10.22.91
- Union-News 06.26.92
- Associated Press 05.10.02
- Associated Press 06.17.02
- Springfield Republican 07.06.03
- Providence Journal 09.29.03
- Springfield Republican 12.13.03
- Boston Globe 12.14.03
- Springfield Republican 12.19.03
- Springfield Republican 07.27.04
- Associated Press 08.05.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 01.12.08
- Google News (AP) 01.15.08
- Republican 02.21.08
- Examiner 02.22.08
- Republican 02.23.08
- Western Massachusetts Catholics 12.26.08
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 11.25.15
- The Repbublican 07.23.19
- The Republican 08.23.19
- Springfield Republican 06.21.20
- Boston Herald 05.24.21
- WGGB 05.24.21
- Boston Globe 05.24.21
- Catholic News Agency 05.25.21
- SNAP 05.25.21
- WAMC 05.25.21
- Mass Live/The Republican 05.26.21
- WGGB 05.26.21
- Boston Globe 05.27.21
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Springfield Republican 06.02.21
- The Republican 06.20.21
- The Republican 06.24.21
- The Republican 06.28.21
- WGGB 07.12.21
- MassLive 12.13.21
- Greenfield Recorder 11.03.23
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 11.06.23
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 07.31.02
- Berkshire Eagle 09.24.03
- Catholic Observer 10.05.03
- Springfield Republican 02.09.04
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- Springfield Republican 08.17.04
- WFSB 06.08.06
- Springfield Republican 06.09.06
- Telegram & Gazette (AP) 06.29.06
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Springfield Diocese List of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 11.25.15
- Barry J Farrell Funeral Home 06.01.17
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- CBS 3 12.09.08
- WWLP 12.09.08
- Springfield Republican 12.13.03
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Associated Press 04.15.04
- Boston Globe 04.16.04
- Springfield Republican 04.25.04
- Springfield Republican 08.03.04
- Press Release by Diocese of Springfield 05.11.05
- Springfield Republican 07.30.08
- The Republican 12.02.08
- Press Release by The Office of Stobierski & Stobierski, 12.03.08
- Springfield Diocese list of Priests with Credible Allegations 08.30.11
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Statement by Bishop Dupre
- Springfield Republican 03.19.82
- Springfield Republican 03.01.04
- Springfield Republican 08.03.04
- Burnett v Bishop of Springfield, MA Superior Court No 05-0331(B) 03.29.05
- Telegram & Gazette 03.31.05
- Springfield Republican 03.31.05
- Telegram & Gazette (AP) 03.31.05
- BA list of US Bishops Accused of Abuse 04.14.08
- The Republican 12.03.08
- Berkshire Eagle 05.29.19
- WWLP 06.03.19
- Berkshire Eagle 06.04.19
- The Republican 06.11.19
- The Republican 06.16.19
- The Republican 06.18.19
- Berkshire Eagle 06.21.19
- The Republican 06.23.19
- The Republican 06.27.19
- Berkshire Eagle 07.22.19
- The Republican 07.23.19
- The Republican 07.30.19
- Springfield Republican 06.21.20
- Western Mass News 06.22.20
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 06.23.20
- WWLP 06.24.20
- Springfield Republican 06.24.20
- Velis Investigation Report 06.24.20
- New England Public Radio 06.24.20
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 06.24.20
- WWLP 06.25.20
- Greenfield Recorder 06.28.20
- Berkshire Eagle 07.04.20
- Berkshire Eagle 07.10.20
- Daily Hampshire Gazette 07.10.20
- Mass Live 07.11.20
- The Republican/MassLive 07.14.20
- Berkshire Eagle 07.16.20
- St Louis Post Dispatch 07.19.20
- Springfield Republican 08.03.20
- Catholic News Agency 08.07.20
- Catholic News Agency 08.11.20
- Springfield Republican 01.03.21
- Berkshire Eagle 02.09.21
- The Republican via MassLive 02.09.21
- Catholic News Agency 02.12.21
- Springfield Republican/MassLive 04.26.21
- Berkshire Eagle 04.27.21
- National Catholic Register 04.27.21
- Springfield Republican 05.02.21
- Diocese of Springfield List updated 06.02.21
- Berkshire Eagle 06.24.21
- Berkshire Eagle 09.19.21
- Berkshire Eagle 12.24.21
- Berkshire Eagle 03.07.22
- Berkshire Eagle 04.04.22
- Berkshire Eagle 09.21.22
- Berkshire Eagle 09.22.22
- Greenfield Recorder 10.05.22
- Berkshire Eagle 04.19.23
- Associated Press 05.26.23
Fr. Ralph Herbert Adair

Fr. William Edward F. Allen

Fr. Paul J. Archambault

Fr. Henry J. Auger

Fr. Edward George Authier

Fr. Gerald R. Beauregard

Fr. George A. Berthiaume

Accused of abuse by a man, who also alleged abuse as a minor by other priests and two bishops in the Springfield and Worcester dioceses. Complainant reportedly passed two polygraph tests. Worcester diocese investigated "several years ago" and deemed claims not credible. The Springfield diocese stated that nothing in its files corroborates the allegations. Plaintiff was in a Texas prison for an unrelated murder. Berthiaume was one-time personal secretary for Bishop Weldon, also accused. Died 12/3/1985.
Fr. Albert Rene Blanchard

Fr. John J. Bonzagni

Fr. Paul T. Boudreau

Fr. J. Victor Carrier

Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese on its list in 10/2023. Allegedly sexually abused a minor 1981-1982. Assigned to St. Rose de Lima Parish in Chicopee during the time in question. Carrier died 2/17/2011.
Fr. Donald A. Desilets

Desilets was disciplined by the Diocesan Misconduct Commission and barred from public ministry in the early 1990s after he allegedly molested two boys at Precious Blood Church in Holyoke. He was allowed to retire and join the Sulpician Fathers in Montreal to help prepare young men for the priesthood. He died 4/28/2001. One claim was settled in 2004 and another in 2008 as part of larger settlements. Included on the Diocese's list of credibly accused in 3/2016.
Fr. Michael H. Devlin

Fr. Frederick George Dion

Fr. Bernard L. Doheny

Fr. John Paul Donahue

Fr. Jude Dowling

Fr. Eugene Adalbert Dranka

Fr. Donald V. Dube

Fr. W. Francois Dufresne

Bishop Thomas Ludger Dupre

Fr. John F. Egan

Fr. David M. Farland

Fr. Joseph Clarence W. Forand

Fr. Oscar A. Gatineau
Br. Lawrence Gauthier
Fr. Daniel L. Gill

In 2002 a woman reported to the Diocese that, beginning on the day of her First Communion in the late 1960s when she was about age 8, and repeatedly until she was 12, Gill sexually abused her. Gill was the "family priest," assigned to St. Charles in Pittsfield. She alleged that the abuse involved groping and fondling and would take place at family gatherings such as picnics, trips to the beach and sleepovers. She received a settlement from the Diocese in 2008. The Diocese told her that another woman had come forward in 1992 claiming that she was abused by Gill at age 15. Gill died in 1995. Reportedly in 8/2021, a parishioner confronted Gill in 1977 after a 14-year-old girl told him that Gill was molesting her in his rectory bedroom at St. Charles. The parishioner informed the senior priest at the parish. Gill was soon transferred to a parish in Brimfield. In 8/2021 the Diocese stated that it had received three complaints of child sexual abuse by Gill. Name added to the Diocese's list in 8/2022. It notes one credible allegation, of abuse 1967-1971.
Fr. Alfred C. Graves

Fr. Timothy Joseph Hallahan

Fr. Earl Albert Victor Hebert

Fr. Ernest Karl Huller

Fr. Joseph Roy Jenness

Fr. Placid Kaczorek

Fr. Maurice P. Karam

Fr. Vernon Kelly
Fr. John Earl Kelty
Fr. Edward Michael Kennedy

Fr. Richard L. Kirouac

Fr. John R. Klekotka

Fr. John Anthony Koonz

Fr. Jeffrey L’Arche

Fr. Gerard A. Lafleur

Died in 2011. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese on its list in 3/2022. Accused of sexually abusing a minor in 1974.
Fr. Francis Patrick Lavelle

Fr. Richard Roger Lavigne

Fr. Timothy J. Leary

Fr. Jordan Loiselle

Fr. Ronald P. Lussier

In 11/2024 the Diocese announced that Lussier had been added to its list of credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor 1975-1978. He was reportedly assigned 1952-1966 to St. Thomas Aquinas in Springfield; 1966-1968 to St. Rose de Lima in Aldenville; Notre Dame in Adams and Notred Dame in Pittsfield 1968-1975; pastor of St .George 1975 until his death in 2002.
Fr. Ronald Raoul Malboeuf

Deacon James A. Martone

Fr. Thomas James McCarthy

Fr. James Daniel McKenna

Fr. John Davitt McNamara

Fr. Richard Francis Meehan

Fr. James Paul Menge

Fr. Thomas Joseph O’Connor

Fr. Richard O’Hearn
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA
Fr. Thomas F. O’Malley
Fr. Joseph P. Quinlan

Quinlan's name was added to the Diocese's list of credibly accused in 11/2021, due to an allegation that he had abused a minor in 1974. Assignments included parishes in Palmer, Springfield and East Longmeadow, as well as Cathedral High School in Springfield. Quinlan died in 1989.
Fr. John Paul Richard

Fr. Ferdinand Roy

Fr. John R. Russell

Fr. Michael Sabotor
Diocese: Diocese of Springfield MA
Fr. John J. Scanlon

Fr. Charles Joseph Sgueglia

Fr. Donald D. Simonds

Fr. James A. Sipitkowski

Fr. Charles J. Sullivan

Chancellor for the diocese's fiscal affairs 1975-1981. Director of Catholic Charities Appeal. Pastor 1980-1984 of St. Matthew's in Indian Orchard; sick leave 1/1984-9/1984, per a 1984 news report, followed by a new assignment. Named publicly by the Diocese in 8/2011 as credibly accused of abuse of a minor in 1993. (The 1994 Catholic Directory, which reflects 1993-1994, shows Sullivan as Absent on Leave.) Administrative process found in support of the allegation. Ordered to a life of prayer and penance in 2005. Died in 2014. In 3/2022 the Diocese deemed credible a new allegation that Sullivan sexually abused a child in 1994 .
Sr. Mary Jane Vidnansky
Fr. James T. Walsh

Fr. Ronald E. Wamsher

Fr. David P. Welch

Fr. Richard Joseph Welch

Bishop Christopher J. Weldon