Fr. Cletus L. Abts

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Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Multiple allegations notes, occurring in the early 1960s in Hurley. Removed from or left ministry in 4/78. Died in 2003.
Named publicly as credibly accused by St. Benedict's Abbey of Benet Lake WI on its list 1/24/23. Noted to have abused in TX in the late 1970s and to have died in 2002. (Placing him in the Milwaukee archdiocese, where the Abbey is located.)
Named publicly as credibly accused of the sexual abuse of a minor(s) by the Society of the Divine Word's Chicago Province. Abuse occurred in WI in 1980. Per its website in 6/2023, Anich is prohibited from public ministry, presenting himself as a priest and to contact with minors. Living since 2021 in Techny IL, where the Province is headquartered.
Diocese: Diocese of Madison WI
Abused in MD and WI. Investigated in 1984 by WI law enforcement, La Crosse Bishop John Paul informed. Sheriff did not charge Ball but told the bishop he should not have contact with children. Ball allegedly had made sexual comments to children and invited them to his cabin to sleepover. Reassigned to another parish, had contact with children. Pleaded no contest in 1993 to criminal charge of sexual contact with a 12-year-old boy during a therapy session. Four known victims. Sentenced to five years prison; released in 3/1996. On parole through 12/1997. Laicized at his own request as of 8/11/1997. Settlement of $100K. In 1993, the La Crosse diocese told Baltimore of two claims against Ball during the time he was a seminarian for La Crosse in Baltimore in the mid-1970s. Per the La Crosse diocese's list in 1/2020, Ball died 9/15/2002. Included on Baltimore's list of accused. Included in the 4/5/2023 MD Attorney General's Report.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the diocese on its list in 11/22. Placed on administrative leave 9/8/22 due to a single allegation of abuse, occurring 1990-1991 in Superior. Assigned at the time in question to the Cathedral of Christ the King.
Placed on leave in 2002 due to allegations. Laicized 3/14/06. Accused by a man in a civil suit 11/21/06 claiming abuse of 4 boys in the late 1960s. Per plaintiff, the abuse occurred during an overnight trip to MN; suit filed in that state. Assigned to Cathedral of Christ the King 1966-68 and Holy Assumption Church 1975-78, as well as numerous other churches and colleges. A woman claimed she told Bishop Fliss in 2002 that Beutner had abused her 10 years prior. Beutner died 1/26/08. Name included on the St. Paul and Minneapolis archdiocese's list of accused in 10/14. On the Santa Rosa diocese's list 1/12/19. Noted to have been assigned to the Christian Brothers' Mont LaSalle in Napa in 1987. Also resided with the Christian Brothers in Concord CA, Oakland diocese, 1982-86. Included in 11/22 on the Diocese of Superior's list of credibly accused; multiple allegations of abuse noted to have occurred, 1965-70 and 1974-75 in Superior.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe List as of 1/16/2024. Member of the Franciscans' Assumption Province. Professed final vows in 1948. Worked in Pulaski WI, Saginaw MI, Sturtevant WI, Grand Rapids MI. Infirmarian at the Chicago CYO boy's camp near Libertyville IL summers 1956-1969. Died in 1981 at age 67 at St. Joseph Friary in Sturtevant. (Placing Lenga in the Milwaukee archdiocese for now, where the province is based.)
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list updated 2/21/2020. It notes a single allegation of abuse, occurring in 1958, while assigned to Marquette University High School in Milwaukee. Also on the Memphis diocese's list 2/28/2020. Brey worked at St. Mary's Hospital in Humboldt TN in 1971, and 1972-1975 he was chaplain at St. Vincent Hospital in Monett, MO. Added to Springfield-Cape Girardeau list by 4/13/2021 and on the Diocese of La Crosse list in 12/2020. He died 12/14/1996.
Monsignor. Named publicly as accused by the Diocese of Green Bay on its list in 12/21. Noted to have a single substantiated allegation of abuse of a minor, occurring 1971-72. The allegations was made after his death. Coleman died 6/29/17.
Named publicly as accused by the diocese on its list in 12/2022. Multiple allegations, substantiated. Died in 1974. Per his obituary, Cullinan worked in the La Crosse diocese for 21 years. He also taught at Loyola Academy in Chicago IL, Xavier High School in Cincinnati OH, and St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland OH.
Pleaded guilty in 1960 to abduction of a 17-year-old girl. Sentenced to three years in prison. Was chaplain at a Superior WI hospital when he took the girl on a car ride and didn't return. She had been admitted to the hospital that morning for a "nervous condition." Dudink was a family friend and had permission to take her for a ride. The two were found at a Phoenix AZ hotel. Went on to marry. Died in Oklahoma in 1984. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Also known as Samuel. Named publicly as the subject of multiple substantiated allegations by the Diocese of Green Bay on its list in 1/19. Abuse of several boys allegedly occurred around 1950. Was on leave of absence 1950-1952 and 1954-1961, and incardinated in 1961 into the Diocese of San Diego. Engl reportedly worked in the San Diego diocese 1955-1969. He died in 1989. Included on the San Diego diocese's list of accused.
Professed vows in 1959. Worked in IL, OH, WI. Died in 2019. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Order on its list 4/18/21. Abuse occurred in the 1960s-1970s in East Troy, WI. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least one "reported survivor."
Entered the Jesuits in 1940. Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. Multiple allegations of abuse, occurring in 1950 while assigned to Campion High School in Prairie du Chien, WI and in the 1960s while assigned to Creighton Prep in Omaha. Dismissed from the Jesuits in 8/1982, laicized in 1983. Added to the La Crosse diocese's list 2/5/2020. Died 12/20/2001 in San Jose, CA.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Abuse noted to have occurred in the late 1960s in River Falls. Died in 2/74.
Per the archdiocese, it received multiple allegations of the sexual abuse of minors by Janette: a report in 2010 alleged groping in 1974 of a 14-year-old; reports in 2011 of groping of a 14-year-old and 15-year-old in 1974 and 1976, and a non-specific report of abuse in 1967. The allegations were sent to the District Attorney but were beyond the statute of limitations. Ministry restricted in 2011, then permanently restricted after the Diocesan Review Board deemed that two of the allegations had "the semblance of truth." Ordered by the Vatican in 2015 to a life of prayer and penance. Died in 2017.
Taught 1952-1955, while a seminarian, at Campion Jesuit High School in Prairie du Chien WI. Faculty member at Marquette University for 50 years. Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. It notes a single allegation of abuse, occurring while assigned to Marquette University in 1970. Permanently removed from public ministry. Known in 2016 to be living in a Milwaukee retirement community. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report.
Chancellor. Founder of the diocesan newspaper. Accused of abuse of a 14-year-old boy in Superior in the early 1950s. Transferred in 1955 to the Diocese of El Paso. Sent in about 1966 to St. Vincent Hospital in St. Louis, then to Servants of the Paraclete in Jemez Springs NM for treatment. Allowed ministry in the archdiocese (Santa Fe). A man from OR filed claim in 2013 in NM alleging abuse at age 7 or 8 by Klister at St. Vincent de Paul parish in Maxwell in the early to mid-1980s. Settled in 4/2014. Klister was convicted in 1990 on child pornography charges. Named in a civil suit filed in El Paso in 1995. Died 4/19/1997. Included on the Santa Fe archdiocese's list of accused on 9/12/2017. On the Las Cruces diocese's list 11/8/2018. On El Paso's list 1/31/2019. On the Superior diocese's list in 11/2022, which notes he was a priest of the diocese until incardinated in 1984 into the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province on its list 12/17/2018. It notes a single allegation of abuse, occurring while assigned to Marquette University High School in 1986. Permanently removed from public ministry. Per the Province's list updated in 10/2023, abuse also is alleged in to have occurred in 1990. Kolb died 3/8/2023.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Multiple allegations of abuse, occurring 1988-1998 in Merrill, where he was pastor of St. Robert Bellarmine, and Hammond, where he was pastor of Immaculate Conception. Left or was removed from ministry 11/28/01. Died 12/8/13.
Name included on the Archdiocese's 7/04 list of priests fully restricted from ministry (or who would have been restricted if still living) because of credible allegations of abuse. Krusing retired in 1970 and died in 1995 at age 96. Per his obituary, he spent a year in Rhode Island in the early 1940s as a Trappist monk, then returned to his role as a Milwaukee archdiocesan priest. Served as a Tribunal judge. Documents show that archdiocesan officials knew for decades of allegations of Krusing's sexual abuse of children, yet kept him in ministry.
Monsignor. Ordained for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Incardinated into the Diocese of Green Bay in 1982. Named publicly as accused by Green Bay on its list in 12/21. Noted to be the subject of a single substantiated allegation, occurring 1979-80. Lally died in 7/16.
Died in 1961, age 37. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans as of 1/2024. Member of the Assumption Province. (Placing Lawecki in the Milwaukee archdiocese for now, where the province is based.)
Monsignor. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Multiple allegations of abuse, occurring 1943-1946 in Superior. Was removed or left ministry 8/26/71.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the St. Benedict's Abbey Benedictines of Beney Lake WI on 1/24/23. Professed vows in 1966, left the same year. Abuse allegedly occurred in Mexico in the 1960s. (Placing him in the Milwaukee archdiocese, where the Abbey is located.)
Named publicly as credibly accused on the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province Franciscans' list as of 1/2024. Member of the Assumption Province. (Placing Padlo for now in the Milwaukee archdiocese, where the Province is based.) Worked in Cedar Lake IN, Toledo OH, Canton MA, Saginaw MI, Grand Rapids MI, Perrysburg OH. Died in 1976, age 60.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Multiple allegations noted, of abuse in the early 1970s in Rhinelander. Left or was removed from ministry in 1988. Laicization in progress.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Our Lady of Guadalupe Province Franciscans on its list as of 1/2024. Member of the Assumption Province. (Placing Pepowski in the Milwaukee archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.) Died in 2017.
Monsignor. Pastor of St. Michael and Resurrection Parishes (East Side Parishes) when placed on leave due to an allegation of 'sexual misconduct' with a minor, occurring decades prior. Resigned. Pierce admitted to the misconduct.
Named publicly as credibly accused of the sexual abuse of minors in 5/2021 by the Society of the Divine Word's Chicago Province. Abuse occurred in OH in 1977 and in WI in 1981. Per its website in 6/2023, Pool is prohibited from public ministry, presenting himself as a priest and to contact with minors. Living since 2021 in East Troy, WI.
"Jack." Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. Noted to be the subject of a single allegation of abuse, occurring 1973-1975 in Catawba. Pastor at the time in question of St. Paul the Apostle. Left or was removed from ministry 6/8/93.
From Pakistan. Working in the Madison diocese since 6/22. Criminally charged in 12/22 for the sexual assault of a girl, age 17, occurring between 9/5 and 10/1. The girl was a participant in a Bible study he led at a DeForest parish. The incidents allegedly involved kissing and touchingin a vehicle. There were also incidents via video contact in which the girl would disrobe and Rehmat would masturbate.
Criminally charged in 6/15/20 with repeated sexual assault of a girl. In 3/20 his victim told police that between 9/16 and 5/17 Richmond would inappropriately touch her, have her sit on his lap and hug her, and was in constant communication via social media. The incidents occurred at McDonell Area Catholic High School, where Richmond was chaplain. He admitted to three to four incidents of sexual contact. Removed from public ministry. Pleaded no contest in 11//21 and, in a plea deal, found guilty of fourth-degree sexual assault. Sentenced in 12/21 to 12 months probation.
Named publicly as credibly accused by St. Norbert Abbey in WI, on its list 7/19/19. One allegation noted. Athletic Director at Southeast Catholic 1945 until assigned same role in 1950 at Central Catholic. Activities Director for 26 years until 1955 at Camp Tivoli. Counselor and manager of the cafeteria at Premontre High School 1955-86. Died 9/13/02.
Named publicly as accused by the Jesuits Midwest Province in 1/2022. Noted to have a single allegation against him of the sexual abuse of a minor, occurring in 1969 at Campion High School in Prairie du Chien. Scott died 12/27/2007. Included on the La Crosse diocese's list of those with substantiated allegations against them. Included in 10/2021 on the Omaha archdiocese's list.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Diocese of Superior on its list in 11/22. A single allegation noted, of abuse in the early 1970s in Superior. Left ministry or was removed 6/13/99.
Arrested 4/27/2016; 4 felony charges of exposing himself to a minor in 3/2016. Would stand naked in window of Grellinger Hall in Allouez (residence for retired priests) and flash a teen boy who was walking to school. Restricted from public ministry. Told investigators when arrested he was "already seeking treatment." Pled not guilty 5/23/2016. Pled no contest in 9/2016. Sentenced 10/28/2016 to 4 months in jail and 3 years supervised release. To register as a sex offender. Two prior arrests for indecent exposure, first in 1990 and one in 1993 when found by police "running around naked looking for others." Convicted in the 1993 case. On diocese's list 1/17/2019. Sentenced by Vatican to life of prayer and penance. Laicized in 2018. Arrested 1/29/2019 on probation violation for seeking out and having contact with children. Sentenced 1/25/2019 to 8 months jail. Died 12/10/2022.
Worked in IL, MA, WI, IA, MI, OH, CA, PA. Professed vows in 1934. Died in 1987. Named publicly as credibly accused by the Order on its Chicago and Western Province lists in 2021. Included in the 5/23/2023 IL Attorney General's Report, which notes at least two "reported survivors," of abuse in 1955 in East Troy WI and 1959-1962 in Riverside CA.
Named publicly as credibly accused by the Franciscans' Our Lady of Guadalupe Province on its list as of 1/2024. Noted to have been removed from public ministry in 2006. Member of the Assumption Province. (Placing Weber in the Milwaukee archdiocese for now, where the Province is based.)