Fr. Gerard J. Koob
Accused by two women of having repeatedly raped them in the early 1970s, when they were Keough High School students. One of them said she reported her allegations multiple times, beginning in 2014, to county and city police and the city state's attorney's office. She also said three other women alleged Koob behaved inappropriately around them when they were girls. The second woman came forward to police, the Archdiocese and the Jesuits in 2023. Both were interviewed by the MD Attorney General's office; its 4/5/2023 report referred to Koob not by name, but as "the Jesuit intern." Both women also said they were repeatedly sexually assaulted by Frs. Joseph Maskell and Neil Magnus. Koob denied the allegations. Koob was dating Sr. Cathy Cesnik in 1969 when she disappeared and was later found murdered. In 7/2023 the case is unsolved. Koob left the priesthood around 1979. He married, became a Methodist minister and raised a family in NJ.